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This is just my opinion, but when a breeder tells you "8 weeks flower" this is counted from the first signs of the plant being in the flower cycle.


The plant does not start flowering the first day it experiences 12/12, and that's why I reckon they count it from when the plant shows signs of flowering.


Naycha :peace:

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I've found 8weeks is a bare minimum and not a set time 'like ok 8weeks, rip it'. The oldies here would remember the idea of 'when the hairs go brown' rip it. The problem is for some strains 8weeks from turning 12/12 ain't enough to 'fully mature' a plant, sure at 8 weeks it will have some nice buds but it may take 10-12 weeks from going 12/12 to 'fully mature'. Commercially 8 weeks and its up and a new one started immeadiately. But doing it yourself you can refine it to what you want and have yourself a primo product. You need a little pocket microscope to check the colour of the trichs to fully tell maturity. Clear=immature, White=nice headstone, Amber=heavier body stone.

I must say I do like Naycha's idea of 8 weeks from the first signs of flowering

Personally, mine are 10 plus weeks anyway but then that would give 2 weeks for the crowns to appear, which is about right.


Bat Norman, you say '8-9 weeks from seedling to harvest'?? No way, that's way too immature it would all taste so young, that wouldn't be giving anytime for the hairs to brown off at all or are you using a PGR of some sort.

I agree with Jimbo you need to add your veg time to this.



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Sorry perhaps i should have been a little clearer when i say auto-flowering varieties. This is a brief explenation i pulled from somewhere.


"Auto flowering characteristics grant a cannabis plant the ability to completely flower without the need for reduction of day-light hours. Auto Flowering plants no longer need to be tricked into thincking its autumn to be forced into flowering / budding mode.


The auto flowering cannabis seeds will grow under any schedule of light, however best results are reported being between 18-20 hours of light and a small amount of time in the dark to allow the plant to rest - from sprouting to harvest


These amazing Auto flowering strains will grow and be ready for harvest in as little as 6-8 weeks from seed!


The main benefits with Lowryder and other Auto flowering strains, is that there is no need for a change in the light period to induce flowering, nor is it necessary to have separate vegetative and flowering rooms."

Edited by Bat Norman
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Sorry perhaps i should have been a little clearer when i say auto-flowering varieties. This is a brief explenation i pulled from somewhere.


"Auto flowering characteristics grant a cannabis plant the ability to completely flower without the need for reduction of day-light hours. Auto Flowering plants no longer need to be tricked into thincking its autumn to be forced into flowering / budding mode.


The auto flowering cannabis seeds will grow under any schedule of light, however best results are reported being between 18-20 hours of light and a small amount of time in the dark to allow the plant to rest - from sprouting to harvest


These amazing Auto flowering strains will grow and be ready for harvest in as little as 6-8 weeks from seed!


The main benefits with Lowryder and other Auto flowering strains, is that there is no need for a change in the light period to induce flowering, nor is it necessary to have separate vegetative and flowering rooms."



fair comment bat , but hey lets be honest from seed to harvest , usually 4 wks veg , then flip then start counting .. 8 \ 10 whatever strain dependent .. any sort of pot plant under those conditions will yield 3\4 ounce of good bud without trying .. what you get from an un vegged lowryder ? lets guess egh , 1 ounce ? or less ?



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