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What Size Holes?

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Trick I used a few grows back was to dig in fresh lawn clippings in with the chicken poo. As the lawn clippings break down it draws nitrogen out of the soil whilst the chicken shit is pumping nitrogen into the soil. i just made sure I had a soil buffer between the plant's rootball & where all the cooking was going on. The plants went ballistic....I'll find up the polaroid the coppers took with me & the plants!!! They were so impressed they all posed with crop!!! Even took one for me!!! Edited by mungas
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Trick I used a few grows back was to dig in fresh lawn clippings in with the chicken poo. As the lawn clippings break down it draws nitrogen out of the soil whilst the chicken shit is pumping nitrogen into the soil. i just made sure I had a soil buffer between the plant's rootball & where all the cooking was going on. The plants went ballistic....I'll find up the polaroid the coppers took with me & the plants!!! They were so impressed they all posed with crop!!! Even took one for me!!!

Classic Mungas :thumbsup: would love to the pic. Did they catch you with your plot or were they on your own land?

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Had five of the biggest beauties in the back yard. Chased off a couple of lads trying to pinch 'em oen night & thought I had it made...until the cops came a-knocking!!! >:( They couldn't understand why I was swearing & cursing....until they saw 'em!!! 5 plants filled three utes!!! Reckoned they needed more cars :thumbsup:
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$400 fine & no conviction. Had over 10 plants ( little ones in pots put me over the 10 limit . Back in those days here in S.A. 10 or less was just an on-the-spot fine. Now it's just 1 & any hydro sees you in court.

Yep they have cracked right down on 'hydro' in NSW. Different laws for outdoor and indoor. If you stay under 50 (the indictable quantity) outdoor plants in NSW you can usually escape with a fine/comunity service if its a first offence. A mate I went to school with got done with 900 plants and 100kg of dried on anzac day this year. Long story short he pleaded guilty and said he was only growing to get legal fees to defend his dad, brother and sister who got busted in a much bigger raid in QLD. Judge took into account it was a first offence and the circumstances and I think he got around 2 years. Had it been a warehouse of indoor under lights it would have been a different story....

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