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Can I Get A Soil Expert

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Thanks, yeah definately will use dolamite, sounds like good stuff. The positive is as well the plans will never get anything asides from rain water. Stupid question but what is the PH of rain water if anyone knows, roughly? Found what i was looking for, a tried and true organic recipe, its been used many a time for years, revised and so forth and was in the high times magazine so i figure it has to be oright. Some of you may have seen it but if you havent and are looking for a good organic recipe you should definately at least read this. ...heres the link to the website,




For those who cant be bothered, heres the recipe. I figure im just going to scale the ingrediants to what i need. Another thing, the recipe calls for no perlite....recon I should chuck it in? Is there any ingrediants in there that may have a differnet name in Aus like 'epson salts' and 'azomite', they dont sound familiar.


"Here are the amounts we’ve found will produce the best-tasting buds and strongest medicines:


8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)


25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings

5 lbs steamed bone meal

5 lbs Bloom bat guano

5 lbs blood meal

3 lbs rock phosphate

¾ cup Epson salts

½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)

½ cup azomite (trace elements)

2 tbsp powdered humic acid"


Tell me what you think





Edited by Reverend
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G'day sarge , I'd be adding perlite for sure mate sub doesnt add it because his soil has got it added in there along with the mycorrhizae and coco fibre . I'm not using it because my drainage seems ok . And its a risk ill be taking and i dont advise to follow my steps there lol ! Dolimite is also a good calcium sustitute . I got my azomite from here http://www.livingapartment.com.au/Products/Organic-Fertiliser-and-Growing-Medium There are other rock mineral companies around as well ! Such as Natramin ! Just google rock mineral suppliers and see whats around ! I'm using it because its long term and it isnt a chemical based slow release fert and cant do any harm ! The rest of the stuff is in my first soil mix and its all im using outta subs mix but its my first run using that gear and i dunno that i'm advising anyone about using it because it aint gauranteed yet mate . The other bits 'n' pieces are around on the net have a look if you wish to use them ! Good luck mate ! Oh yeah remember that i've had my searles soil baking for 3 months as well in preparation for my grow and i always bake that crap for my own reasons and alot of peeps use similiar mixes to post number 8 and some like using coco coir as well ! Edited by hazedaze
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Cheers mate for ya input ! But my seedlings are doing fine thanks Yet my plants will benefit even more so ...I enjoy if ULYAO watch my journal and laugh harder in 6 months bro !Peace and best wishes ! Opps i should add that as i stated up there that this mix is similiar to subs mix but he adds superphos and blood he also uses bone which isnt supplied in oz note he also uses roots soil and refers to his soil ratings in Lb ( pounds) he uses 8 x 30 pound bags which is close to 15kg per bag in oz metric ....hence the reason why i'm using 75kg with 20ish kg extra castings and 30kg of naked farmer if soil activators are no good for for using as a soil ammendment why is it for sale ? . Marijauna IME loves magnesium during the vegetative growth cycle and in 4 months time most of the mag will have been leached out of the soil and the calcium will then be available for the flowering period and wont be locked out !I'm also using 50kg extra product than sub and thats why i'm using 120grms extra mag (epsom salts).. Kinda why i'm using high B+B in high calcuim and 1 cup of dolimite ! Dolimite serves 2 purposes ! I am no expert med grower but i do my best at acheiving optimal results. Yet i am only attempting to offer ideas to sarge regarding his post ! I could inform you about yates premium and ya 5 in 1 but that wont be helping sarge ! Hell mate i cant say if its gonna workout in the longrun but for now alls good ...ya never know mate my trial an error may allow you to use this mix in the future ! I'm just going for the guinea pig run ! But take that ..lol !



Hey, what works works old mate, i actually have plants that are 10 days old .... want to compare ? :) anyways, everything you mentioned sounded okay, a lil excessive on the organic additives .... what was wrong is the 30kg bag of soil activator lol... if you check the bag and read the bag you will see that ... the entire bag covers a fucking largeeeeeeee area mate .... anyways, ofcourse marijuana loves magnesium but to fix a magnesium problem a teaspoon in a cup of warm water then added to a ltr of water and sprayed on the plant fixes the problem, the soil you mentioned has magnesium in it, it does not need that much magnesium, but im not here to argue, im here to learn. I hope your grow turns out well, all the best with it brother ... peace n pot ....


Take it easy ... but err, take it eh ?

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Hey, what works works old mate, i actually have plants that are 10 days old .... want to compare ? :) anyways, everything you mentioned sounded okay, a lil excessive on the organic additives .... what was wrong is the 30kg bag of soil activator lol... if you check the bag and read the bag you will see that ... the entire bag covers a fucking largeeeeeeee area mate .... anyways, ofcourse marijuana loves magnesium but to fix a magnesium problem a teaspoon in a cup of warm water then added to a ltr of water and sprayed on the plant fixes the problem, the soil you mentioned has magnesium in it, it does not need that much magnesium, but im not here to argue, im here to learn. I hope your grow turns out well, all the best with it brother ... peace n pot ....


Take it easy ... but err, take it eh ?

To True, Cybermental .


What works works ! To much of a good thing could'nt be bad ! Thats why i biffed the whole bag in the mix :thumbsup: ! Hey sarge thats only the vege mix mate ! Gimme a holla just B4 ya buds set and ill share a nice flowering mix with ya !



Take err easy ,

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Last year i used 100% organic compost (home made ) with chook poop, blood and bone,2 cups of dolimite lime, mushroom compost, cow poop, which i had composted for 2 months along with all of the garden scraps i.e lawn clippings, bannana peels and a whole variety of greens i have also added around 100 worms every 2 weeks to do the buiseness in the compost heap ! I also added topsoil 25.. % perlite 30% and some potting mix all organic with no added fertiliser ! And 375gm box of epsom salts ! Maybe not what you are looking for but i say hard work gets results and i dont mind a bit of the ole sweat !


I bet you had some tasty buds after growing in that soil mix !!! :)


peace n pot.

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G'day cybermental ,

That mix was a good mix mate .It flowered the bud in my pic and was 14 inches long . I'm using the remainder of that mix this year as a seed starter :thumbsup: .

I've been sifting it with the wifes steamer pot :helpsmilie: ya know the one with the holes in it ...It works pretty good for watering as well mate when the watering can breaks down !

Yet last years grow was purely for seed and the soil did need a bit of bloom nutes added but she fired on all cylinders other than that !

I'm also getting better growth this year mate with subcools modified mix using Australian products :applause: :applause: Its all good mate give it a run you wont be dissapointed ! Well thats for vege anyhoo ...Shit may still go wrong during flowering due to a few additive getting thrown in there ! :peace:

Edited by hazedaze
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