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Med users?



Hi all, this is my first post in the med users forum so a big hello :o


I have never really thought of myself as a med user, rather a recreational user but I do suffer from backache and have done for some time. I noticed the other day that while pottering around having just smoked a J I realised that having a smoke has never really made my back feel any better, infact I would go as far as to say that because of the muscle twitching effects of my weed it has made it feel worse at times? :o


The weed I have right now is as sativa as sativa gets I rekon, if I smoke before I go to bed then I'm not getting to sleep for another 3 hours and a very trippy 3 hours it is too.


Could it be that my weed is too sativa dom?? I'd like to hear from some people who do get good pain relief from toking and what sort of effects they notice from the strains of their choice.



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Just trial and error, same strains have different effects on people. I suffer from headaches, and the stuff I'm smoking at the moment seems to make them worse, yet one of my friends tried the same gear last night with a migraine, and BAM, no pain at all within minutes after smoking up.
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hi im sorry to hear about ur back problems as i have a nasty ass back myself....i also wake up every morning with major pains in my knees which calls for wake and bake to relieve the pain.....atm i have afghani #1 and Whitw Widow growing and have found that the afghani high is very narcotic and is a very good source of pain relief whereas the WW just gets me extremely stoned and can even make the pain worse...


basically i suggest u try an indica dom strain or a hybrid that is indica dom that isnt hydro grown...i have found that bush is much better for pain relief but to every1 there own :o


hope that help u out some and if u want some free beans of ak47 and white russian 5 seeds of each go to Treating Yourself and all u have to do is sign up and post a few messages + find the application form :o


i ordered myself some and they came within 2 weeks not sure of the date cause i was at my girls house for a week but they came and look extremely nice ::D:

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Guest weekprik

I suffer from migraines and headaces, as well as having scoliosis in my back.

I find indicas to be more pain med, and sativa to be what I smoke to get stoned only.


I woke up the other night and had a masive migraine, the mrs would normally put me in an ambo and they would drug me out of the pain,

but this time I thought fuck it my migraine is too bad to smoke, but I forced myself on my cone (weird feeling forcing myself on a cone :o),

and within 5 mins my body had stopped convulsing, and within 40 mins it was gone, like not better GONE.


amazed me but will try it again too see if it was a fluke.


afghani#1 mixed with ak49xc99,

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Hi Buster....seems to me you would be better off with an Indica strain as Pain is usually controlled better with Indicas I hear. Depends totally on what KIND of pain though. Most neurological pains like MS and brain damage from Epilepsy and falls/injuries are better with Sativas for example...


Check out our Website at www.themarijuanamission.com in Canada and see how much we have to offer as far as amazing info and links go about all of the above..


I think Marco from "Treating Yourself" answered you already. If not, get him to send you some seeds to try out first, so you don't waste your money...


Good Luck Buddy. Drop us a line in our Guestbook and let us know how you made out... :D


Alison Myrden

Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada

The Medical Marijuana Mission



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not something that i wanted to go on about, but on the occasions I have used mj (a few) i have felt pain relief for my problem. now its not back pain, and i suffer from migrains and insomnia, but my major problem is chronic bleeding into my pelvis. I haven't said anything to my doctor about using mj cos I cant imagine anything good coming from it, and I have no idea if I can obtain a medical certificate so I can try some other strains to see if it helps anymore, because I have only ever had bagseed and from the same supplier. so I have no idea really what to do, the seeds i have now, are the same strain i have smoked for the last couple of years and are no longer doing anything for me. can someone give me a clue as what i should do?
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It depends on a few things, but if you're talking about growing your own, the general rule is - indica : muscle relaxant , shorter bushier

sativa - pain killer, taller lankier. Indica's are easier to grow indoors, but it sounds like you want something more towards a sativa. If you're growing outdoors up north it'll be fine, otherwise get a 50/50 mix. Check out some of the seed banks to see the mixes that make up strains .If you live in oz you can't get a medical cert at least not any where I know of. Or try getting another strain of bud for a week or two . It'll make a big difference. Good luck


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Well it looks as if I'm not the only one suffering and iwonder does it really do me any good??I have a really bad back i was hit while sitting at a mates watching TV, bullshit i kid u not .Anyway i also broke both shoulders and smashed up pretty bad.

I've been smoking pot for ten years or so ,i currently am doing WRHINO , sk#1 and a coulplle of unknowns. I find the WRHINO is really helpful with sleep and relaxes musscles.I would like to get hold of WRUSSIAN they tell me its better again concidering WRHINO is 20% THC.I'd like to cross the RHino with a strain called Belladonna from Paridise seeds [holl].

:D Alsso i EMailed INfo@stondas Whatever on some feedback about the Clones SUPPOSEto get 50% off if your a med user!!!

NO hereback >sent 10 days ago !!!!!!!!!! Cheers

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Guest weekprik

I also find I have to change my strains often, for some reason if I smoke 1 strain withing 3 weeks it no longer helps my migraines,


I find Indica useful and this must be as stated due to muscle relaxant,


I wonder what a sativa grown indoors would turn out like??

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