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How To Use Canna Terra Vega And Flora ?

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Hello there, I wanna know how to use Canna Terra Vega and Flora in Soil ? Like when to use them too. Seedlings first week ? or Vege stage Week # ? and so on. Anyone experienced ? Thank you. :helpsmilie:


I start using those Vega nutes about two or three weeks after germination, plain water up to that stage. Having said that this grow I have used Vega on 4 plants and fish emulision bought from woollies on 5 other plants and imo the fish emulision is as good if not better, cheaper as well. I use the veging nutes for about two weeks after I switch over the lights. Then go with the flores nutes.:applause:

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:thumbsup: yes. Do I use them straight up or dilute them in water with 1-5/per litre. I'm still not familiar with fertilizing. Thanks heaps.


Always dilute, my mix is usually 3.5ml/ltr. both vega and flores. Bottom end of the recommendation. The plant will tell you if it is not enough. Try not to over feed, I use them every second watering. Which is about every four days. Plain water in between. Thats for 8ltr pots. larger pots wont need as much watering.

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I start using those Vega nutes about two or three weeks after germination, plain water up to that stage. Having said that this grow I have used Vega on 4 plants and fish emulision bought from woollies on 5 other plants and imo the fish emulision is as good if not better, cheaper as well. I use the veging nutes for about two weeks after I switch over the lights. Then go with the flores nutes.:applause:


Ya - I find fish emulsion is pretty wonderful stuff for my green children.

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