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Police Searcing Your Car

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Now I'm no law expert but....my lawyer tells me a cop can't just tell you he wants you to empty your pockets. Seems we have civil liberties that are enshrined in law. If they or a police dog can smell shit on you then you're busted!!! Free range odours are common property and is as good as flashing visible amounts of weed. if you voluntarily empty your pockets jsut on a coppers whim you basically have consented to a search. Likewise with the car. A cop can enter your car to check lights, brakes, indicatorsetc. but he CAN'T open the glovebox without your consent unless he is reasonably certain you've got drugs because of odours or visible pipe. Likewise they CANNOT hold you against your will UNLESS they arrest you. By law you have to give your name, D.O.B, adrdress and place of employment but THAT IS IT!!! If they say you can't leave then tell them that unless you are UNDER ARREST then you are free to leave (believe me that really pisses them off). If in doubt deny them access to your vehicle &, most importantly, DON'T say anything more to those fuckers!!! Then, if they do search & find something your lawyer will agrue illegal search & seizure. Don't for fucks sake tell a copper that it's alright to look in your bag, glovebox etc. BECAUSE IF THEY HAD A RIGHT TO SEARCH THE CUNTS WOULDN'T ASK!!!!
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As I said...they always ask to look in the car. If they ask tell them NO! The cop will say something like " Do you mind if we look", or something similar. That is asking. They are not doctors & red eyes could be hayfever. Always deny them & plead illegal search & seizure if it comes to court (better get a lawyer son).
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You are not a citizen but a subject of the commonwealth, you have no rights. I have been told by a cop that if they pull you over for a "random" traffic stop and they believe that you are carrying drugs, they will just hold you there and put a call in for the dog to come have a sniff of your vehicle.


Dogs - it reminds me of what the resistance used to do in France when the Nazis were using tracker dogs to hunt them; hey would sprinkle dried blood and cocaine down. The dogs would come along and snort the blood and coke and their keen sense of smell would be completely numbed for a good while.

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