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I've just started a final flush and was wondering what others do?

Do you use reduced nute or no nutes?

Do you heat your flush fluid or not?

Do you use rain water or tapwater?

Do you use a timer on your pump or just constant flow?

How often do you change your flush fluid and how long do you flush for?How many days?


Just interested


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Hey Merl1n.

It depends on what medium you're using as to how you flush I guess.

Using expanded clay my flushing routine goes like this-

I flush with warm neutral ph''d water until it runs clean. Usually around 10-15lts.

Clean out the tub.

If it's just a routine flush-

Run the fresh nutes through for about 10-15mins.



If it's a final flush (your case)-

Just give it ph'd water for the final week or so.


Somebody said I should try feeding fresh water for the last week or so to improve taste & effect. Have to agree this is worth doing... besides I'm a scrooge & the less feed I have to give it the less $$$ I have to spend. lmao

N.B. All my nutes & water are at 23-24C.

Hope this helps you a bit.

Olly :bongon:

Edited by Olly
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Yeah fellas that's basically what I've been doing for years. Just fresh pH adjusted tap water for a week, changed daily in recirc. I have heard of reducing nutes gradually and due to low overnight temps I heat my nute anyway. I've also heard of additives to assist with the flush. At one point I was flooding the pot completely to saturate everything then releasing it, but that took too much time and effort, doing it daily.

I was wondering what other ppl might do different.


Olly, It certainly improves taste, aroma and effect. No harsh burning in ya throat, if flushed right. I use perlite on a layer 4 inch of clay balls. As for the saving of nutes I give leftovers to the missus for her garden and shit those plants she uses it on grow like mad, better than anything else in the garden. My flush water goes on HER herbs, fantastic. They love it.




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