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Australia on Bin Laden's Hit List

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Seems like recent events show us that we are all vulnerable to attack, a couple of guys I knew were in and around the sari club last night, one of them was deafened by the blast, its sad to see that we have become mixed up with al-kaida... (it would seem ignorant to me to suspect anyone else) regardless of wether it has been caused by the prime ministers comments, East Timor, or if it was even directed at Australias. NBC today interviewed the former US Ambassador to Indonesia and his view was that the attack was an effort to bring down tourism in Bali, which it certainly will regardless...
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Dont be too quick to blame the stone age religious freaks for all the bombings that are being carried out here and there.

The Jewish controlled Americans will stop at nothing to line their oily pockets with the proceeds of another countries mineral wealth.

The highly sophisticated CIA have commited attrocities that we dont hear about but when they copped it up the arse on Sept 11 by a handfull of brainwashed illiterate ragheads it hit a raw nerve.

So...what to do ? Detonate a few bombs and blame it on the muslim extremists, this will enrage a few allies so that when we attack arab countries to steal their oil it will be justified..... simple !

And the sheep will never know.

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Millions in Africa died last year, and annan asked for support, he was well short for the needed funds, and during the WTC attacks they raised more money then what was needed for Africa, isn't that strange?


Africa is over populated with Islamic miltitants, & middle east where they are found everywhere.

Bali bombing , independant islamic state, suicide bombings , chechnya , nigeria etc <- raping, what every 5 mins?

There has been big clashes between Muslims > christians from africa - middle east e,g lebanon

Muslims and hindus Indonesia / india



What drugs are these Islamic's extremists are taking?

In Israel they face bombings nearly every week, feel sorry for them cause they can't really do much.. cause of UN but for the US its ok, to bomb the fuck out of everything.And the news makes them look good to the human's eye.

E,g Jenin how big was that issue?

Half of them were identified terrorists with weapons.


the Us civilian bombing? that was cleared in days.. never heard about that again.

Israel is facing people walking around in streets with explosives taped up to them and killing themselves, people tossing grenades at markets.Palestinian militants in cars loaded with c4 and explosives that crash in to buses? He ordered a whole shipload of c4 arafat and was busted with the lie of denying?

And restrictions are needed to stop the bombings as prooved.

Now if this happened in USA you would know how they will react.

I can imagine the same thing happening here, petrol trucks being sabotaged, blowing up center point tower? blowing up dams?

I just hope we don't get a Islamic extremists in oz .


Im sure we wouldn't be happy driving off to work with a Islamists detonating his/her car right beside you.

Or one strapping themselves with explosives and detonating them on trains, buses.


Russia is taking a strong stance doubleing their forces in Chechnya, i wonder what chemicals the terrorists have up their sleeves. B)


Torture should be allowed. Make them suffer before they get their so called "virgins".


Wonder how long these extreme acts of violence will happen here?

its getting closer and closer


I know this might offend some of you but this is a large concern,with the current events and there is no telling what or what they can/cant do.

Especially reports from the govt they have cells operating in Australia.

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As much as the action disgusted me they have the right to free speech and their beliefs. One thing that does puzzle me though is why they have to swear allegiance under God when they worship Allah, they should be swearing it under their own religion so that it means something to them and is therefore much more binding.
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Yeah I saw them dancing on tv and not only in Oz. The ragheads were not the only ones cheering, Im sure there were millions of people from non muslim non arab countries around the world who had a quiet chuckle to themselves when the Americans copped a taste of their own medicine for a change, its just a shame that innocent people had to die but do the Americans care about the innocent people that fried in Nagasaki and Hiroshima when the war was officially over or the women and babies in Vietnam that had the chill taken off them with a spot of napalm. Did you see the Americans cheering and "DANCING IN THE STREETS" in 1940 when the news came that Hitler started bombing London and killing innocent people (History channel).

I think most smokers reading this reply would agree that Americans are the most hated people on earth, a country that got wealthy by making slaves out of other innocent human beings. Starting wars in third world countries and selling weapons to both sides. As I write, the Americans are taking billions from Israel in weapon$ sales and I wouldnt be surprised if the C4 strapped to the suicide bombers was bought from the yanks as well. And whats going to happen if the Indonesians decide that they need more living space? do you think the Americans will come to our aid? of course they will...weapon$ on credit, try now, pay later for the next hundred year$$$$$$.

Ive got no time for raghead fanatics and their tactics but why have they developed such a hatred for Westerners?


Because of the yanks d'ya think ???


RIGHT ON !!!! and now we are all targets.

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Hi (ex B) cuse the spelling)


when one backs up usa(which in desert storm killed 25% of iraqs population and suffered almost no causualties herself) or any policies most pro activities are the result of spoon fed propaganda.To say that all this is in defence of unwarranted terrorism is an easy outlet. I dont believe that war is a result of anything but greed(territory) and religion its been like this since the dawn of man,greed is instilled by nature for easier more comfortable survival and because most humans are lazy.. religion is instilled for mass control and a dollar resulting from greed. we have still not heard the reason that the twin towers were dropped other than the country responsible is jealous of free life in america.I prefer to believe ther must be another reason. Im not pro america nor am i pro iraq,bin laden etc.or pro anyone but the common man/woman : im pro peace. war results when populution grows to a point where there is chaos and new ideas threaten old ones.. in the first paragraph bush speaks of german autrocities however the usa is the only country to drop nukes and exterminated a cple cities in moments and then later went back and got the building contracts just like they did in iraq the first time. usa is the new world order the mother of sanctions..noone talks about the suffering in heroshima or nagasaki . kids are still born deformed but since the war was won it seems a moot point and besides its old news. in afghanistan children are daily playing in mine fields and tripping them as they walk home for the dinner (what ever that may be by now). no one cares to know because it again was in the name of justice .... well the oil/gas line was completed so the war quickly ended. any other country could never enforce a censored war but the bulley usa. an interesting article below outlines the bush's and what they are really like. young bush was with the bin fam when he started an oil company spinoff(arbutsu or something) from his oil baron father whch he later sold at a profit of 400 grand with an invest meant of 17 grand.(the resultant company (george still on the board of directors)got the contract to control all offshore oil in the muslim countries however had never drilled a single oil well prior) its easy to say whos gonna help us unless its the usa but if the threat of needing help is the result of what the helper did its kind of ludicrous. I live in canada and I see more and more americanizing every day. the usa has came in and scrapped our medical marijuanna supply and is going to replace it with the weed they have grown( i guess its because we are too stupid to grow properly,,,, it certainly couldnt be for control B)). all penalties now have increased severly for simple possession as well as a nationwide blitz attack to target growers with even more heavy penalties than ever. warrants are issued easier than ever now. One day they tell us it may be legal in january next year the next;; families are getting torn apart through unethical raids..wrong homes are being raided more and more with nothing more than an apology as satisfaction.. We were very close to legalization as senate recommendations and the fact that a canadian gets busted every 22 minutes for weed shows the sheer numbers of smokers and that prohibition isnt working. our country will soon carry a star i expect as the usa has now takin over our customs borders implimenting their own officers on our side. war crimes and crimes to humanity are defined by the winners of war.Moral crimes are commited when propaganda breeds rascim and control.Do the politicians actually think the general public is as stupid as they make us out to be,?like we arent capable of knowing right from wrong and how far we can take something ?afterall it is u and i and who in essence keep the world running. unless a crime is violent or destroys lives i think its better to be compassionate and fair as the penalty will do more damage than the crime ever did. ,,everyone does something illegal at one time or another ...all things but life and love are material and are usually replaced.


thanks for reading this




the bush nazi coke moonie connection

by Nick Mamatas (nillo@agoron.com) - July 28, 2002


In April 1999, Texas Governor George W. Bush proclaimed a week of remembrance for the Holocaust. He said, "I urge Texans to never forget the inhumanity of those who perpetrated the Holocaust, and reflect upon our own humanity and our responsibility to respect all peoples." Good advice. He should reflect upon his own family, if he is interested in reflecting on inhumanity.


G.W.'s grandfather and great-grandfather, Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker, were among the chief American fundraisers for Germany's Nazi Party. Through industrialist Fritz Thyssen, the Bush-run Union Banking Company and W. A. Harriman & Company, the Bushes sold over $50 million in German bonds to American investors, starting in 1924. Thyssen in turn pumped money into the infant Nazi Party, which had proved its desire to rule and its willingness to use brute force in 1923's Munich Beer Hall Putsch.


George Walker, GW's great-grandfather, also set up the takeover of the Hamburg-America Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States. In Germany, I.G. Farben was most famous for putting the gas in gas chambers; it was the producer of Zyklon B and other gasses used on victims of the Holocaust. The Bush family was not unaware of the nature of their investment partners. They hired Allen Dulles, the future head of the CIA, to hide the funds they were making from Nazi investments and the funds they were sending to Nazi Germany, rather than divest. It was only in 1942, when the government seized Union Banking Company assets under the Trading With The Enemy Act, that George Walker and Prescott Bush stopped pumping money into Hitler's regime.


George Bush, then an eighteen year-old man, held off entering Yale (a long-time Bush family destination, Prescott had graduated in 1917) to enter the military, perhaps to remove some of the tarnish from his family's honor. After the war, however, Bush joined the intelligence community and utilized his own connections to help fund drug runners from Laos to Panama. Most shocking was the so-called "cocaine coup" in Bolivia in June 1980, masterminded by fugitive Nazi Klaus Barbie, "The Butcher Of Lyons." Bush, as director of the CIA, had funneled enormous amounts of cash to drug runners including Manuel Noriega and helped in the destabilization of Argentina. Barbie, who had been previously secreted in Latin America by the CIA, began working closely with the Argentines and used drug money to finance a neo-Nazi cabal, one that succeeded in overthrowing the government. The troops swept through the capital wearing Nazi armbands, according to former DEA agent Mike Levine. They may as well have been wearing armbands portraying syringes, dollar bills and "Bush For President" buttons.


After the cocaine coup, the notorious Unification Church, the "Moonie" cult, began making inroads across Latin America. Among the first to arrive in La Paz after the Nazi/coke coup was Bo Hi Pak, Rev. Sun Myung Moon's right hand man. Moon had invested $4 million in the coup, it so turns out, and still had plenty of money left over to help finance George Bush's campaign for president in 1988. Moonie lieutenant Thomas Ward also acted as the go-between between Barbie and his CIA payrollers. The Moonies were also large funders of the Contras and heavy investors in Latin America generally. Bush is still in Moon's pocket: as recently as 1996, former President Bush flew to Argentina to appeal to Argentine president Carlos Menem to attend the gala celebration for Moon's latest right-wing newspaper. Bush has made hundreds of thousands of dollars stumping for Moon groups since leaving the Oval Office, and has been working to make sure GW Bush gets his share of drug-tainted, Nazi managed cult money for the latest Presidential campaign.


That is something we should all reflect on.



The views expressed above represent the writer and not necessarily those of The Disinformation Company Ltd

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i just read with great interest ur post buzzz.what a crazy world.. and the people we choose to put in power. gee whats wrong with us..


and the us citizens that are so happy because we may decrimilazie pot. and yet, these same citizens have no idea of the threats canada has been threatennend with... and thats only because we may decrimina i wonder what what will happen if we actually do?


i wonder, how i wonder, at least i hope we find out because that will mean we have won and won't be branded as criminals because of a wonderful green herb...

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For those of us in this world who believe in God - why is it we never mention (or rarely) Satan. God cast satan to earth. He is doing his work as best he can and will. One of his greatest TRICKS in my opinion is the poor Muslims. He has tricked them severely and by doing so he has won. His mission is to corrupt people. A Christian believes (or I believe) and that is what the Bible says "The only way to Heaven is through my son Jesus". (though I still think if your atheist and a good person you're in the running) I am bringing this up cause in a Muslims mind, ANYONE who does not follow Allah in an INFIDEL and some sort of danger to their beliefs. As we have been shown over the last year or so, Muslim children go to islaamic schools and in my opinion are brainwashed. Over and over and over they chant and I truely feel sorry for them. Don't get me wrong I am probably one of the worst sinners around but being a Christian of true faith gives me such peace knowing it is really out of our hands and will be played out. I will not go to any churches because I do not believe in Religion only Jesus. I mean look at what He taught - just be nice to other people un racially. What He taught was pretty simple and made so much sense - Treat others as you would be treated.


Going off the track from my beliefs here. Can anyone advise me how these Muslim terrorists, when they arrive before Allah and are presented with their 7 virgins, what are they going to do with them. I mean how can a spirit of no physical form ejeculate. It makes absolute NO sense to me. Why would spirits even think about sex? God gave us sex to breed. I don't really think breeding spirits in a option. Just confirms how brainwashed these people are to me. :)

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