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I wish the Australian activism situation was like Cali

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I love what is going on in California but i hate how even medical marijuana is not a political issue in this country.


With the Greens and independents negotiating power, it would be great if somebody raised marijuana as an issue, but in Australia its not even on the radar, except when its being mentioned as a "dangerous substance" and increase in penalties needed.


Do Australians not love Marijuana as much as Californians?


At this rate Australia will be lucky to have strictly controlled medical marijuana within 20 years (that means you can't get it unless you have select severe illnesses and have tried other medicines etc, if you take it for anxiety or depression don't hold your breath).


We need more activism and organization in this country. We need an Australian Marc Emery.


The thing is I'd be willing to get involved with activism and even put in as much $$ as I can, but there is not a sufficient movement at the moment in my state (South Australia).


Geez I'd be happy just for a small Rali, but I am not aware of any that are scheduled. Indeed it has been around 20 years since I was last at such a Ralli.


I think we have people in this country that are willing to fight for Cannabis, but we need leadership and organization. I eagerly wait and hope for such a time in this country.

Edited by cybergenesis
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I agree! cybergenesis and thought id have a bit of a rant about this!


We need to have our voices herd as well but remember that the only reason Cali has gotten to where they are now is because of years of rallying up support and having their voices herd out loud but it seems the only event that drums up any interest in Australia is the Mardigrass held in nimbin once a year and then still it dosent get much air time on tv.


I think every state should have such an even but and more than once a year! 2 or even 4 times a year have a peaceful demonstration in the capital cities but the turn out would have to be in the thousands and i cant see how anyone would organize such an even. As pointed out before in other posts unless there is a mass of ppl in the thousands cops will just brake it up or arrest anyone smoking herb in public.


I do believe that if prop 19 is given the go ahead in Cali it would be the time to strike hear in Aus as America is our greatest allied partner in the free world and we do usually follow most of their legislation when it comes to drug enforcement.


If we as the stoner community dont stand up and make ourselves heard then we will never get medical marijuana or rec marijuana aproved.


But where dose one start is my question? dose it start in forums like this one where an idea snowballs and then takes shape or dose someone just stand up and face the fire front? I believe that no single individual can stand up like Mark Emery did without some form of backing and support, its one thing to say we need a mascot like him its another to drum up the support he had and in the end it wasn't enough to keep him from jail. (he was done for selling seeds not his activism against prohibition)


I don't think we hear can see or even think about seeing a Medical marijuana law passed hear in Australia until a lot changes, our governments are full of conservative types that wont change their minds due to decades of properganda against marijuana and re educating such ppl is near impossible, i have no idea what it would take short of a bunch of pollies needing to take MM for cancer or something and most are so conservative they would rather die than be cured or have their quality of life helped by marijuana.


With all that said there is however on thing that will make the government look at some form of cannabis law and that is TAX! we hear in Australia are some of the most heavily taxed populace on the planet! cigarettes cost less than $2 a pack in America and Europe but hear the same pack will cost you upward of $15 some 700-800% tax on cigarettes alone! that's just crazy!


Think about how much it cost to grow a single gram of quality dope add 800% to the price and you would still be under $20 for a gram and with Australia havering more dope smokers than any other country that would result in billions in dope tax alone! do some quick maths 25 million odd ppl in Australia, if even 10% or 2.5 million users smoke dope and do so at the rate of 3 grams a week that is grown commercially for few dollars and taxed up to the current street prices of $50 per 3 grams that's over 125 million dollars industry a week or 6.5 billion a year! that aint chump change either

Then implement a "license" similar to the one they need in Cali to buy dope and chard 150-200 per year for it and add another 500 million to the pot (no pun intended) seems like a no brainier to me not to mention the job creation


Wonder if any one in parliament has done the sums as quickly as i have?

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Until Australians stand up united and stop hiding like criminals things wont happen fast.


Things like not pleading guilty in court if you believe you are not will make a difference. Pleading guilty to get some perceived lighter punishment is an illusion. It's a big part of why the laws haven't already changed and you are in court in the first place. STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT TO USE CANNABIS.


Turning up to protests or rally's when they are organized instead of hiding at home and hoping others turn up instead. THEY DON"T. YOU NEED TO TURN UP

Support the Mardi Grass in Nimbin for eg. (it's on first weekend in May every year):) lol :( :hug: lol ;) The more there the better. It all helps.


Telling your doctor you use cannabis instead of hiding it. You have the right to demand they respect your choice to use it. It's there job to advise you, not tell you what you can or can't do.


Write letters to your local member of parliament and the media.


There is something every single person can do if they want to. They just have to do it.


I get disillusioned at times too Cyber and understand your frustrations. Never forget though, even if there seems to be nothing happening that is obvious, there is always things happening behind the scenes. I know I haven't given up on the fight for a start and nor have many others.


Be proud to be an Oz Stoner and stand up and be counted Australia.;) I am and so are many others who also live in hope soon all Australian cannabis users will be too.


Peace MM

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I found this article in the Townsville Bulletin yesterday and thought it was one step forward for Cannabis Activism, as I have been concerned about the lack of support within Queensland (which also enforces the strictest Cannabis laws in Australia).


There is a poll on the same site as well, so make sure you vote if it hasn't already closed.





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In my opinion the attitude towards pot in Australia is that it's a "losers drug". Medical benefits are rarely, if ever, mentioned in the press and it is usually referred to as "dangerous". As most of us know the media shapes the minds of the population. If the media suddenly changed it's POV on pot and did a few special reports from California, interviewing people that were in chronic pain or hooked on pharmaceuticals and are now happy because they are taking the correct strain of MM their doctor prescribed for their condition, the Aussie mentality would change too. But such shows are never on TV or in the papers, so people form their opinions based on the constantly negative reports.


On top of that the words "drug bust" in a paper or on TV can mean heroin, meth, coke or pot.. immediately reinforcing the stereotype that it's illegal because it's dangerous, and that the police are helping the community by taking the 'drug' off the street and locking up the criminal growing syndicate.


But overall my first impression was the overwhelming 'what, you still smoke that shit? everyone else is busy getting rich' response from all the former smokers I knew.. it seems Australia is following Asia rather than the US when it comes to pot. If it were the same as 10 years ago, it wouldn't be so bad. But it's getting stricter each year, sniffer dogs on trains etc, don't the police have anything better to do??


Meanwhile almost every day you hear reports about underage drinking, drunk idiots bashing each other, drunk idiots bashing innocent people, drunk idiots smashing their cars, drunk idiots generally causing mayhem and violence. But seemingly that's all ok, it's an unavoidable side-effect of alcohol.. but smoke pot and you go to f***ing court. It's just utterly ridiculous.

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Hi guys...


I am one of Canada's most vocal Drug Law Reform Advocates and have been for almost twenty years.... I have been battling chronic progressive multiple sclerosis and a violent pain in my face twenty four seven called tic doulooureux (according to Docs "the worst pain known to medicine") that only copious amounts of cannabis and thousands of milligrams of morphine daily can help.


I am also a retired Law Enforcement Officer and Speaker for LEAP - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition found at http://www.CopsSayLegalizeDrugs.com and one of Canada's first medical cannabis patients. I did alot of the work I do by myself many years ago and with the help of my partner of 22 years, Gary Lynch who built, designed and maintains our website, The Medical Marijuana Mission found at http://www.themarijuanamission.com


We have had over 40 million visits from all over the World and are going strong!


I just want to tell all of u that we legalized medical cannabis in Canada in the New Millenium (1999-2000) and have had a Program here in our Country that will give access to this plant via a Doctor's signature within weeks of applying hopefully.


We are still experiencing numerous problems with this Medical Cannabis Program, but have been making great headway around the World in the area of medical cannabis...


You can all do the same as we did in Canada if you really want to.


Check out my websites and please - pass them along if u agree...


Thank u..


Hi again to everyone, it's been a while since I have been here as my health has been really bad this year....


Love and a serious squish,




Alison Myrden

Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada

The Medical Marijuana Mission

Retired Law Enforcement Officer

Speaker for LEAP

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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One big thing that is happening almost as i type this is the Rally to restore sanity (John Stewart) and the Rally to keep fear alive (Stephen Colbert) which is happening I believe in DC. Legalisation advocates are going to be out in masses to make their point. THIS is what needs to be done here. Now what you need to know is that legislation for prohibition of marijuana is controlled by the state and territory governments. This means that EACH state and territory needs to be adressed seperately. As I am in WA this is obviously where Ill be focusing my efforts. For all the other states... I wish you the BEST of luck and if u guys legalise before WA... ill be moving ;-)


Anyways... for anyone in WA who is SERIOUS about making a difference please feel free to send me a msg on here because nothing is gonna get done without us all working together. I plan on attending both labour and greens meetings to attempt to begin networking to find people in power that are willing to join the cause... with my long-term intention of BEING one of those in power. Yes I plan on running for office one day (eventually premier of WA hopefully)


For EVERYONE... the only way things will change is through EDUCATION. please get educated on the facts so you can SPREAD the information. Share links on facebook so everyone you know can get educated. Only FACTS will win this war against prohibition


(Ive checked all the references... the studies are all LEGIT)

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are their going to be any rallys or anything in sydney anytime soon? i would absolutely love to fight for something im so passionate about, ive even thought of some quirky shirt ideas that im printing up at the moment nothing serious jus a couple of shirts mates n i wear around spreads awareness


but my question is, is it possible to decriminalise it in state law and still be illegal in federal law? as is done in cali

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