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Err natural tobacco IS A POISON. It is full of nicotine which is highly toxic. Der. Try eating a fair amount of it and you will die.



Um i think if i ate a ciggy it would kill me whether it's chemical free or not lol

What about that chewing tobacco?? Surely that's OK if you don't eat it, just chew it lol

Bit like not inhaling i would think :)

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Yep that's the one, chop chop is homegrown chemical free stuff, but growing it is considered "tax evasion".


I have never smoked cigarettes, I went straight to the good stuff :thumbsup: I never plan on smoking even chemical free tobacco (which isn't addictive AFAIK, it's all the harmful chemicals that get you addicted)


Aaron :peace:

Hey Bud, :thumbsup it's the chemicals in anything that gets you addicted..

wish i could $$ to smoke purely as meant to, but at the mo' only when i have pneumonia..sigh

I thought the biggest problem with chop chop was it got mould and stuff in it, but we have been corrected :)

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Tobacco is not poisonous, all the chemicals they put in commercial tobacco is.


Doesn't it still have nicotiene in it ??? and isn't that what is addictive in tobacco ??? See it doesn't have a lot of the other chems if you grow it right but still contains the base poisons that are in the nicotiana species here is the listing of phyto chemicals off the wikipedia

Nicotine, Anabasine (an alkaloid similar to the nicotine but less active), Glucosides (tabacinine, tabacine), 2,3,6-Trimethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, 2-Methylquinone, 2-Napthylamine, Propionic acid, Anatalline, Anthalin, Anethole, Acrolein, Anatabine, Cembrene, Choline, Nicotelline, Nicotianine, Pyrene.


also there is nothing wrong with asking a commuity of smokers if it is possible that the effects he is getting are from cannabis. He has been to the doctor who said everything was all good and is now chasing down other avenues. Are you growing your own or buying commercial ??? Could be some kind of additive to the smoko causing it.


in my experience i have never found myself suffering from what you are describing, except for when i have anti-biotics and painkillers at the same time. they the sieze my lungs up and i cant breathe, well i ca but tiny gasps that are excruciating.


and danii, it is still bad, i am not sure if people grasp how carcinogens work... Chewing tobacco give astronomical chances of mouth cancer compared to smoking. There is no safe way to ingest tobacco.


finally, i get hot flushes when i have a cone of almost only hash or if i make my mix to tobacco'y (so shoot me for spinning me weed, its my choice and it works for me) (also i know tobacco'y is not a word xD)

but never get the difficulty breathing afterwards

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Whilst high cannabis improves my asthma, and works as a preventative until the high wears off, otherwise it made my asthma worse (I used to get exercise asthma only before I began smoking often, then I began getting asthma every day). I know that some people claim that it has helped their asthma overall though, so I'm not sure what to make of this. I began taking a preventative steroid recently and that has cleared up my asthma entirely, even whilst continuing to smoke cannabis regularly. I am looking into a vaporizer and once I buy it and begin using it I am going to do a little self experimentation and stop taking my asthma steroids and see what effect vaporized cannabis has on asthma over a few weeks.
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Cannabis has been shown to reduce lung tumour growth after extensive studies to try and show how bad it is. Legal tobacco contains many nasty pesticides and herbicides as well as all the legally added chemicals which makes one wonder what would happen if the government decides to control cannabis when it is legalized. Edited by ashka
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