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Season time for Sydney?

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Hey everybody, im planning to start growing this year but I do not know when the season is for sydney. I got a bag full of seeds from a mate which said that they'll be plenty to grow. But i only want to have around 1 plant, maybe 2 the most.

Well this is my first time growing and I really dont know what to do because I though that they are like regular plants but by looking around for guides etc, they look pretty confusing as I saw that you need different types of soils, mixtures etc.

Also does anybody know if people will be able to find out, as im pretty paranoid if neighbours might see it or smell it by accident.


Thanks. :)

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Haha thanks guys. So it doesnt really matter which soil I put it in as long as I germinate it then pop em inside a pot with regular soil?


Well, then you have some things to sort out before you begin.


lol. nah im not that paranoid about my neighbours anymore. one's a couple of oldies and the others are these new bikers with a hot missus. :(


Also does anyone know whats a good plant food I can buy from bunnings that might aid it's growth? something for its veg and flowering(if i ever get to there) state.



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Haha thanks guys. So it doesnt really matter which soil I put it in as long as I germinate it then pop em inside a pot with regular soil?




lol. nah im not that paranoid about my neighbours anymore. one's a couple of oldies and the others are these new bikers with a hot missus. :(


Also does anyone know whats a good plant food I can buy from bunnings that might aid it's growth? something for its veg and flowering(if i ever get to there) state.





Mate..you want Seasol..and then after 2-3 weeks give them Nitrosol...hope this helps...oh yeh don't forge compsot..

Edited by seedmouse
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I'll try both of the products mentioned above when my seeds actually germinate.


I planted 3 seeds in soil and water them every 1-2 days lightly and even after 1 and a half weeks, no germination so I decided to give up lol.


Too hard to grow green, wonder how the pro's do it :scratchin:


hey mate


you still have plenty of time to start this season


germinating your seeds is the easiest part.


simply germinate your seeds by placing them in a cup of luke warm water


wait until they sink, or try pushing them down to help quicken the process


wait until the root tip emerges roughly 1/4 inch(1-2 days usually or however long if the seeds are viable) from the seed and then plant into your growing medium


i have tried simply putting seeds into soil hoping they will germinate, but i have found the cup of water method with much higher success rate ;)


goodluck and hope you decide to continue growing

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