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Australian Marijuana Activists

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Sorry to point it out again but MM is right.


The time to protest is when you plead not guilty, and if your going to be an activist 1 night in the cell should not put you off.


Your waisting your breath preaching to the diversion counsellor as most are ex herion, alcohol and/or meth addicts. They normally agree that Cannabis is not the evil it is portrayed as but they don't give a shit cause it brings in thier pay check.


good luck with it anyway.

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ohmbudsman Yep MM is 100% correct I can use all the excuses I want but in reality I screwed up and should of gone to court but my main reason is I had stayed awake the night before it was 7:30pm so had been awake for over 30 hours and I was so bloody tired and could not think straight so yeah they got me good and I can still go to court if I go to the diversion and let them know I am not guilty.

The Offense sheet states that if you do not go to diversion or if you do not pass diversion then you will be passed on to the court.

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There is Police diversion and court diversion available in Qld, first arrest QPS can offer Police diversion if you agree to admit to breaking the law in a recorded interview.


Should you now wish to challenge this in a court I would be very interested to know how it goes.


I myself would take the diversion, keep my record clean, live to grow another day.

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Sorry to point it out again but MM is right.


The time to protest is when you plead not guilty, and if your going to be an activist 1 night in the cell should not put you off.



MM and ohmbudsman and others members who have given input are right.


If you went to court you may have been able to argue the search was unlawful. One night in the cells may also constitute unlawful detention under some circumstances. Once detained you have the right to access legal advice.


In future if you decide to defend the charges in court it is not necessary to enter a plea. Obtain ALL the evidence the prosecution intends to rely on at yr hearing. By analysing the DPP evidence, either yr lawyer or if your are self represented, may ascertain whether or not the DPP have a case against you. A lot of preparation may be required to attack the DPP evidence.


At the commencment of your hearing, if you are able to prove there is no case to answer the matter may be dismissed before proceding any further. If the judge determines on the evidence there is a prima facie case against you then you have the oportunity to put forward any lines of defences available to you. If your defences fail and you are found guilty then you have the opportunity to mitigate any penalty at sentencing.


Hope this helps if you find yourself in this position again :peace:

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I'm in QLD. And us stoners here generally follow the FUCK THE POLICE principle. I had one grower tell me that if he had a copper follow him to his crop.. he'd pick up a rock and clubber the C*&t. Bit extreme in my opinion. But they're a rather extreme group of people in my opinion. We all know we are peaceful people not hurting anyone "but ourselves"


Anyway bugger, they won't let you off without a drug diversion or at least a 100 dollar fine.


Anyway, good luck with it all mate. We could use more cannabis activists in this reasonably backwards country we call Australia.



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One tip to everyone:


If your ever busted- COOPERATE with the police. Don't think of them as human, think of them as mindless security drones. I know it is very tempting to show them how tough you are, or to show them your indignation- don't.


If you physically resist at all, its easy justification for them to use quite SIGNIFICANT force and believe me they almost ALWAYS will totally get away with whatever they do.


I personally would say nothing, only my name address and DOB. I'd personally make it quite clear they had NO CHANCE of me talking about ANYTHING else. If they asked me if I have any medical problems, I will tell them that its none of their business, and I am not going to tell them- but you should tell them if your medical condition may pose a risk to you in the cell.


Also if I was only in for 24 hours, I'd personally refuse any food.


You can try the suck up to police routine, they truly love people being excessively submissive and seemingly repentant. You see they see themselves as "teaching you a lesson". I personally cannot stomach being like this to police, but if you are like this (not over the top), they are probably more likely to consider you fairly harmless and let you out easier. I have done this when I am drunk, because I wanted more alcohol. I was in a situation where seriously they would have refused me police bail, but I totally sucked up and acted like I accepted I was in the wrong, and they let me out! And I got another cask of alcohol and continued drinking! I don't drink anymore though, thank lord for the herb.


End rant :)

Edited by cybergenesis
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