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Australian Marijuana Activists

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I'm putting myself up for One of Australia's biggest Marijuana Activist and I need help.

I got busted for approx 2grams and the police want me to go to 2 hours Rehab on Thursday 26th August at http://www.chermsidemedicalcentre.com.au/


I would like to produce a document stating the facts about marijuana so they cannot spew forth

their Government grown Propaganda and I can re-educate the people that

are brain washed thinking everything the Government tells them is true.


My question is can anyone can help me write up a Document for the facts on Marijuana?

To produce to even the smartest of Government manipulators.

The Document must have reliable sources.

I would like to go in there and pull out the big guns and show them the truth!


We all need to stick together.

All Help appreciated.




PS:I already know how hard it is to convert them but I'm here to try. Trying is all that matters.

I will even stop smoking for this cause I will go to every length to produce the right out come.

I am here to Educate the legislate.

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I think you need to ask yourself what you want to achieve. Do you want to show these people the benefits of cannabis? Refute any negative impacts of cannabis they might throw at you? Show them that prohibition doesn't work? I've never been to one of these things, so it's really hard to know exactly what they're going to do or say. They might just sit you in front of a TV and put some reefer madness video on for an hour, and then let you be on your way.


If you are talking about the medicinal benefits of cannabis, I'd suggest firstly either youtube or google the likes of Professor Raphael Mechoulam or Dr Robert Melamede, even Dr Alex Wodak. There are some particularly good youtube vids of Mechoulam talking about a whole range of issues. Have a good search around this site as well, there's a wealth of information here linking to scientific studies - in the news and rx canna forums.


I think if you really want to show them the truth, use yourself and your own experiences first as the case study, backed up by some of the science from the likes of some of the people above.


Good luck, but make sure you go in with your eyes open to the fact that they probably won't listen (which it sounds like you are doing anyway)



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Because they would lock me up if I didn't sign it and hold me there for the night I was cold and wanted to get home.

Corrupt coppers.

One of the cops put his hand on his taser all because I told him to leave me alone.

I did nothing wrong for them to pull me up I had just jumped off the train and this guy near me was drinking beer so they tried to arrest me for that even though I told them I did not know him and then they wanted to lock me up and if I refused a search they would of pinned me down on the ground.

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The joys of living in the police state!!!! :o Sounds like you might of had a case for unlawful search??Thats why legal advice is so important!!! The jacks love to intimidate you into what they want you to do-they are trained at it-psycology!!!!

You still would of got a diversion program if you went to court!!! And you could of got advice before the case-you might of had a case against them!!! I know what its like sitting in a cell ,have done it a few times myself!!he he he, not alot of fun especially in QLD!!!!But i always got legal advice!!!!(I AM SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE!!!)They have a duty lawyer at all courts to rep you or get it adjourned and find a lawyer(HINDSIGHT IS A BEAUTIFUL THING!!) :D . I've had a few mates do the drug diversion program,its a breeze and a laugh apparently, just get really ripped and zone out for the 2 hours!!

Dont carry drugs on the train!!!! brisbane is getting worse and worse !!

its getting like the days with old joe bejelke!!!!!!!! dont you worry about that!!! :o

good luck mate

:bongon: wiet

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Because they would lock me up if I didn't sign it and hold me there for the night I was cold and wanted to get home.

Corrupt coppers.

intimidation is just 1 of the tactics they employ to scare you into doing exactly what they want

and what they want is promotion so your quickest fastest process is their goal and on to the next bust

they conned you

you may well have beaten them in court

and that is the only chance you get to speak your peace,

in front of the judge


the MongyMan is so right

taking drug diversion then instead of fronting court and pleading not guilty?

thats how you get there

go to court

plead --->not guilty

then get your case together

to tell it like it is


you got conned outa dat


but cops are not there to serve and protect you

make na mistake

they are there to serve and protect the rich

they get paid to do so, by the rich

the system is designed fe promotion fe number of successful arrests

it sux



i love your enthusiasm

come to nimbin for mardigrass cannabis law reform rally

1st wk end in may till cannabis is legal

we will help you find a way to stick it back up em


irey guidance

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