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Cannabinoids: The Marijuana Miracle Medicine



With protections for VA medical marijuana patients now secured by VHA DIRECTIVE 2010-035, some are wondering why the DEA continues to treat marijuana as a Schedule I drug.


And what — if any — is the significance of the Directive in light of last year’s federal policy announcement ending raids on Cannabis clinics in those 14 states that allow doctors to prescribe medical marijuana?


According to Al Byrne, Chief Operating Officer of Patients Out of Time, it means that the federal consensus against medical marijuana is about to collapse.


An an interview with MND, Byrne said that the biological importance of endo-cannabinoids in the human body are only now becoming known. For Byrne, new research is driving the bid to reschedule Marijuana.


“There are more cannabinoids in the brain and vital organs than any other receptor,” Bryne said. “The big discovery is that the human body is filled with cannabinoid receptors.”


Personal opinions about the drug war not withstanding, the human body and Cannabis are matched not just by nature, but by choice: human use and consumption of the Cannabis plant is literally pre-historic.


In his review of the History of Cannabis in the journal Chemistry & Biodiversity, Ethan B. Russo, M.D., writes that:


“Cannabis sativa L. is possibly one of the oldest plants cultivated by man…. [T]his most versatile botanical has provided a mirror to medicine and has pointed the way in the last two decades toward a host of medical challenges from analgesia to weight loss through the discovery of its myriad biochemical attributes and the endocannabinoid system wherein many of its components operate.”


It is arguable that medicinal use of Cannabis was known long before the age of writing. Ancient Egyptian Papyrus artifacts document numerous Cannabis recipes for sundry human ills, from inflammation to pain control.


Russo cites a translation of a recipe published in the Fayyum Medical Book, originally written in an Egyptian Demotic script. The document represents a Cannabis-based remedy from the 6th century BC:


To stop tumors: extract of herbs, papyrus, sap of the hur-tree, lotus leaf, cannabis, heated with sweet clover


Modern science has confirmed the folk remedies of ancient Egypt: a study is available today showing that a Cannabis extract inhibits blood vessels that feed brain tumors, thus causing the tumors to shrink.


In another study, Cannabis was found to Reduce Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Tumor Growth.


And of course a famed Harvard study released in 2007 showed that THC — the well-known psychoactive molecule produced by the cannabis plant – cuts lung cancer growth in half, and stops its spread.


The human body actually produces its own endocannabinoids for use in the regulation of various organs. For this reason alone, the medical value of Cannabis may eventually be applied to many other physical ailments.


What happens when the body cannot produce enough cannabinoids of its own?


“It’s called ‘cannabinoid deficiency’,” Al Byrne told MND.


Could craving for cannabinoids may be a symptom of Cannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome? Certainly patients who have a wasting disease are cannabinoid deficient — which might explain why these patients are helped by ingesting marijuana.


Byrne said the interest in Cannabis medicine among medical professionals was growing. “Ten years ago, the American Nurses Association passed a resolution saying that Nurses should educate themselves about the medical value of Cannabis.”


Byrne pointed out the Marinol — a synthetic form of THC — was listed under Schedule III, while Cannabis — the natural source of THC — is still listed as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.


“How can THC have medical value as a pill, but not as a plant?” said Byrne. “And why are we taking medical advice from drug enforcement agents instead of doctors?”


Learn more at medicalcannabis.com


Author: Mike LaSa

Date: 22 August 2010

Source: Mens Daily News


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greetz doc

greetz radic

you better sit down

make a spliff.......

the tests results are in,,,,,, bad news is

im sorry to have to tell you this

you are suffering ‘Cannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome’

good neews is

the best tonic is chronic

hash oil is required

use as desired


thanx doc


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Today I have talked to one of the head of Cannabis education I am so happy about the outcome and now I am pretty sure my theory's are correct.

Rob from Q.L.D drug diversion said I am correct about my theory's according to my study's and what I said is correct by him.


I went to drug diversion today.

They said I am correct about marijuana.

I made a document of everything and the guy is the head of cannabis education in Australia he himself was in the video's they show to everybody that gets caught in Australia.


He admitted that some people can use Cannabis Sativa L safely and that there is no bad affects if you don't smoke it and just vaporize and eat and also as long as it is in moderation it will not make you have a negative response what so ever. And the research into Indica's say they should not be the choice of moderate to heavy Cannabis for use. Also everyone should stop smoking it and eat and vaporize. Also while Tobacco and Alcohol is used with Cannabis it will change the affect of the chemical Serotonin and Dopamine creating a unhealthy high and practically pointless high if you want to be organic and mentally and physically 100% healthy. If you want to use Cannabis use it by edibles or Vaporizing.


I brought a lot of research with me from all over the internet that I had compiled up over the years and recently created a document on it all.

I said to him that THC is the cause of peoples problems and Indica indoor is what has more THC and it has non organic compounds because a lot of it is grown under lights and is exposed to non organic chemicals and that I smoked Sativa that has more CBD's and less THC and I would rather either no to little THC and lots of CBD's he said what I am doing is fine and before I told him that I do meditation he was thinking I was uneducated about the subject and thought that I was abusing Marijuana but once he spoke with me his attitude changed and he figured how much I want to achieve goals also eat healthy and exercise and how much I earn a hour and how moderate my Cannabis use is and then he said that my life and my Marijuana use is perfectly acceptable and that the law should be an exception for people that follow my pathway.


But because there are people out there that do abuse marijuana and other drugs while on Marijuana such as tobacco and alcohol they cannot be trusted with legalization and basically he said that is the reason why people like us get arrested because the law is made to protect those that are predisposed to addiction and he said that Americas new medical Marijuana Laws are a joke and a lot of the research is bogus and made up by people who just hype Marijuana and he described those people to usually be young and still have developing brains. He then said it could only be legalized for those over 21 and they should be put through a Cannabis education course so they can grow there own and use it safely without prosecution He said the law needs adjustment but if the mental health of the general population keeps going down it will never happen. I did not explain to him that most of the reasons why people have mental health problems is because of money there lifestyle and the Government runs 99% of things but I am sure he already understands that.


Because I generally want to only ingest or vaporize Cannabis grown by myself I want outdoor Sativa that has little to no THC and heaps of CBD's.


CBD's get rid of Alzheimer and helps brain function also if use correctly can increase brain function.

The only downside to marijuana is a lot of THC in the brain it increases dopamine that effects the REM Rapid Eye movement where the REM is cut down a lot.


REM is used to heal the body and repair everything while you are in the dream-state so THC takes away a lot of the 4 and 5 stage of REM that's where you convert short term memory into long term as well so basically people who smoke lots of Indica will become anxious and have issues unless they do not smoke much and keep the THC levels in them really low so basically Sativa is the way to go for this as it has CBD's that are practically the opposite of THC. CBD's are used to increase serotonin that increases happiness and elevates mood that why I am always so happy and have never really had a problem in life until I smoke Indica and that creates a foggy brain basically I will not drink alcohol and will not smoke tobacco as that is the cause to many deaths and is one of the most fucked up things ever I would rather expose myself to radiation then smoke tobacco and drink alcohol. The video states really clearly that Marijuana can lead to harder drug use like tobacco so there's your proof stop smoking tobacco and only smoke green and do it only in moderation and try and stick to Sativas with higher CBD'S ratio to THC

and also if used with yoga and meditation he said it can increase brain cell growth

so i suggest I create a document stating all of this and getting more government research to produce this into a legit document signed by doctors.


I also have to further my study's into D-M-T Dymethyltryptamine as it is the chemical that the brain uses to induce dreaming the REM state.


I know I have repeated myself a few times but just wanted to get what ever I was capable of writing in such a short time as I am off to bed now.


Once again people these are just theory's and Correct me if I am wrong I did research alot but who knows if I am correct I will stand by my study's until I learn different.


Peace and Have fun.


PS: Remember to Vaporize and have edibles as much as possible and if you are going to smoke use a cloth for a normal bong or try and buy a decent bong with diffusers hole slit down-stems and coil condensers on it try and stay away from pipes Stay away from Tobacco and smoke joints for healthier smoke. Make sure your Cannabis use is all in moderation you must let your body and brain take a break every week! Also make sure you work out once a day minimum and try and eat as healthy and organic as possible and try and learn how to meditate and teach self empowerment If you stick to all these things you will have a great life.


Good Luck People once again Peace and Have fun with your lives signed Mattick.

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