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Producing seeds from sensi females

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Okay I've read something like this somewhere before but I can't remember what the answer was.


Say I have some sensi plants (all female plants) and I want to produce some seeds. How do I do this?


If I remember correctly there is some kind of acid (gerbic? or something) that will produce seeds. Where can I get some?



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If you really want to make some seeds, keep some males and use these to selectively pollinate. But you shouldn't need to do this with good cloning and management... Unless you really want to do some breeding, which is a lot more complicated than most think... I now bow to the superior knowledge of Whitecluster on this subject... WC? :o
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I didn't wanna write this out again. So I cut and pasted it, written this crap a million times, Basically its not possible Chief23.


Just keep your plant as clones.


What sensi strains you got?? If you got something rare that they stopped selling, you could maybe make some money out of a backcross with a different male, but if they still sell the strains it will be cheaper just to buy them again and keep some males this time.


Posted: Nov 17 2002, 04:22 AM


to make male flowers on a female plant you need gibrellic acid, 0.02 grams of gibrellic for 3 litres of water

and 2 drops of Natrium hydroxide to liquify the gibrellic.

It is only useful for creating all female strains like Dutch Passion's. You need tons of seed because you need to find an absolutely female plant, so you stress 1000's of girls with 12hrs for 3 days and then 24hrs, repeat say 10 times and try and find a plant that has no male flowers (true hermies have hermie children, like hemp).

these plants are rare, you really need at least 500 females from seed, you would have best luck with true breeding indica's, as sativa's are more hermaphroditic.

Anyway in the end it comes down to the fact that not many people have room for this, anyway once you have your true female turned hermie cross it with clones of that plant before you turned it hermie.

I don't like the idea of this (selfing) I'm sure it is useful for outdoor growers but not practical to do yourself.

It would cost less to buy commercial quantities of feminized Dutch Passion seeds for the rest of your life, than to make your own feminized strain.

Happpyherb- you sound like you have one female plant you would like seeds from, the only way to do this is by backcrossing. Use a few males of a different strain and cross it with your female plant. then with your seeds (f1)use the strongest males to cross with your female plant again (mother & sons), then use the best males from those seeds (f2) and breed them with your female again. So your female is the mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc... After alot of this you will end up with seeds alot like their mum. But, this also will cost a fair bit, sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm tired.

cheers -wc

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White Cluster is dead on the money when he sais that the larger the selection of plants to choose from, the better chance you have of that all sweet/ non-hermi female.

However if you only have a gir that you wish to try produce seed from, You can always try a quick bit of GA on a clone of her.

I have grown out a couple of the Couchlock from Brit. Col. Seed Co. and only ended up with 2 girls out of the whole batch of seeds, (Never trust Marc Emery), so I decided to hit em with the GA.For a little further info follow Jays First GA Trial

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Guest Wilderbud

Yes, I read that you can turn a plant into a hemmie by shocking it after flowering and if you inbreed this hemmie itll produce seeds.


Question answered - hehe.


BUT, the seeds will have a very high incidence of haemaphroditism (sp?) which isnt desired.


~500 of these seeds is the amount you have to grow to eradicate hemmies.


I think this is a simpler description of what is posted above. :)


100th post - w00t w00t! [i think I like this site] ;)

Edited by Wilderbud
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