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I tried a quick search for this but couldnt come up with much.

What is the saliva test they use? I hear it can detect use between 4 and 14 hours after use.

Anyways, it seems like a good idea to be prepared for these tests. As I dont smoke before/during work, and these saliva tests can show up from the night before, as far as I'm concerned its better safe than sorry.


That I am currently looking at to keep in the car, because I drive lots for work, is a mouthwash (single use bottle) that I can keep in the car. This is for use if I think I am getting pulled over, or see a drug bus up the road and have smoked earlier that day or the night before. One I have been looking at is "Detoxifying mouthwash - by Stinger".


I can't seem to find anywhere that will ship to Australia, bugger. But I would like to know what test they use here before I go ahead and order a couple of bottles of it.



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hey phreak,


Well i was pulled over about a month ago, posted a story on here (cant be bothered finding the link). They use a mouth swab test, it has 2 little pads on it, they make you swirl your tongue around your mouth then slide the two pads over your tongue, they will turn white when the test is complete, you then have to wait 5 minutes for them to perform the analysis. Now my story again, i went home in my lunch break sucked down 5 - 6 (maybe more) cones of strong hydro. Got back to work at 1:15 (was completely wasted). Left there at approx 3:30..on my way home was pulled over for a random drug and alcohol screening. At the time i was having a smoke and drinking a can of mother (not sure if it helped). The officer knew that there was cannabis in my system but it wasnt active so they couldnt do anything. Basically unless you are stoned you are not going to get done (although i think it may vary on how much of a heavy smoker you are)..


Hope this helps ya out anyway...



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hi..a truck driving mate got pulled over in Victoria , he had a few cones 1\12 hours before being pulled over, he put some "oral balance" ( made be oralB and can buy at the chemist) on this tongue before the cops got to his cab, made him do the saliva test and he passed and drove away to smoke again :)



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I tried a quick search for this but couldnt come up with much.

What is the saliva test they use? I hear it can detect use between 4 and 14 hours after use.

Anyways, it seems like a good idea to be prepared for these tests. As I dont smoke before/during work, and these saliva tests can show up from the night before, as far as I'm concerned its better safe than sorry.


That I am currently looking at to keep in the car, because I drive lots for work, is a mouthwash (single use bottle) that I can keep in the car. This is for use if I think I am getting pulled over, or see a drug bus up the road and have smoked earlier that day or the night before. One I have been looking at is "Detoxifying mouthwash - by Stinger".


I can't seem to find anywhere that will ship to Australia, bugger. But I would like to know what test they use here before I go ahead and order a couple of bottles of it.



check this out at Aussiedetox they are one of the sponsors here at OS


best of luck ... :peace: HM

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