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how big a plant in 100 ltr?

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If soil you should see the magic number if you look after it. As for size it depends on it being indica or sat dom. Big pots are best. Why fuck around with anything smaller imo.


RR :)




dam straight rat ....why fuck around... hehe

good luck RD hope ya get some stonkers....bigger the hole bigger the bud...as dear ol dad used to say

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yea i dont bother with smaller pots always use my 100 ltr pots, besides when growing my seeds up i do them inn a smaller pot then move to the big one.


yer outside in soil. im also gettign another plant in a couple weeks im getting a white rhino clone. to go with my little one i just put in its over a week old now.

but yer how big should the white rhino be able to get? cos it will probaly be a small plant being indica dom yer?

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hey guys how big do u guys think i can get a plant in a 100 ltr pot?


That doesn't make alot of sense, You ask how big it will get yet you say later that you never fuck around with smaller pots and always use you're 100ltr?? If you use a 100ltr you should know how big it will get

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