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For the law to be changed we got to get up and show the government that we ain't a bunch of lazy stoners. We have to protest! Even though I am new here i have observed the news and in America the legalization of medical Marry-Jane has not come through people just sitting down and doing nothing but through years and years of protests and event against the prohibition of the herb. I say we the Australian tookers; need to stand up and organize some sort of protest or event to show the goverment we are not just talking our selves up but doing somthing.
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I don't disagree entirely with what you're saying.




Simple fact is cannabis remains illegal. To protest means to put yourself in the public eye - and a lot of users just aren't prepared to do that, for fear of retribution. And I can understand that entirely.

Also, any protest is only as strong as the mileage it gains. For example, did you know the Hemp Party protested at the offical Labor party election launch? My guess is, probably not. Now, I realise it wasn't a huge protest on the scale of things, but the lack of mainstream media coverage for it means that the issue just isn't in the public eye.




We have a yearly protest against prohibition, it's called the Nimbin Mardi Grass. I couldn't make it this year for work reasons, but will definitely be there next year. But again, the lack of mainstream media coverage of that event means the protest falls on deaf ears. We're preaching to the choir in a lot of ways.


What we need are politicians in the major parties, the media, members of the police force, judiciary, medical industry - ie. people in power and who have influence, to stand up and lead the way. There are a select few like Wodak etc who are trying, but they remain in the minority. Until that happens, who's really going to listen?


I disagree with your assertion that years of protests have led to a change in direction in the US. The fact that the US is in such a dire situation economically has led to politicians looking at the financial benefits they can gain from cannabis, thus it has become a real political issue. Once politicians made it an issue, the media picked up on it and it's snowballed from there. Meanwhile, the DEA is breaking down just as many doors as they ever have, acting in a criminal manner imo, scarring non-criminals with their heavy-handed, over-the-top, unnecessary actions.

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Most the people I know that smoke marijuana are respectable people with jobs, that have to keep it secret due to the mentality against cannabis- most the people I know believe in legalization but would never risk attending a protest. They could lose their families / jobs / or even just have their reputation damaged.


To win the war against cannabis, you need one thing firstly: money.


We need people with lots of money to put their cash where their mouths are.


I'd personally attend a protest (bringing lots of weed), but the protest would have to be in my state, and involve at least 5000 people.To me its not worth turning up at small protests, and its dangerous because the police are more likely to move against a few people smoking joints than many thousands.


If thousands of people smoke pot, the police are most likely going to back off, if the protest is otherwise peaceful. At least this is what happened when I attended the one protest I have ever attended (a legalize marijuana protest in SA decades ago)

Edited by cybergenesis
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greetnz Smitty.

gotta love your enthusiasm


this world will be a better place with more people like you

so gawn, gawn

the world sholud know

tell as many people as you can with i blessings

click pon this tune Stand Up

come to the nimbin mardigrass cannabis law reform rally

we the people of nimbin have vowed to hold the nimbin mardigrass cannabis law reform rally annually till cannabis is 100% legal

come,,,, your support is welcomed

if thats just not possible

that start your own protest

we will support you with what ever we can


the struggle goes on


unity will set we free

stronger together

forward ever

free cannabis

free people

free land

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Nothing more to add except we have an election on Saturday and if you go to this site




You can number all your preferences below the line, print out a copy to take with you and simply copy the numbers over on the day. If you vote below the line your votes wont get stolen through preferences. Also note that for every #1 vote that results in a person getting elected, the party gets $2.33 from the AEC (i.e. taxpayers). Accordingly I have put labor last and liberal 2n'd last.


If you don't vote for drug-smart pollies or if you donkey vote then you only have yourselves to blame when nothing ever changes. There wasn't a hemp party candidate for QLD but I have preferenced independents and parties that are for changing the drug situation first.

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......gotta love your enthusiasm


this world will be a better place with more people like you


Agreed :)


come to the nimbin mardigrass cannabis law reform rally


Good advice. It's on the first weekend of May every year. The more there the better. ;)


Unfortunately it's the only rally of any decent size in Oz atm but the police are pretty good about it all there. Maby one day they will be good about it in other parts of Oz too in the near future but for now it's the best start we have. It's been hard won, don't let it go to waste.



unity will set we free

stronger together

forward ever

free cannabis

free people

free land


It's the only way :)




Peace MM

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