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seeded buds

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First I am pretty new to growing I have grown in the past but only 3 plants at a time from ready to go clones.


I am trying my hand at getting a SOG going had problems and still working at it


The latest problem seems like a biggish one. I am growing in 4 900 ebb and flow trays I have harvested 2 trays so far and even though really small yields it was a good smoke.


The next lot to come out I have the original strain I was using and a second lot from another plant the first lot seemed to be going well but the new plant had really small buds I just noticed it is seeded I mainly found seeds in one plant but I have found them in others as well including the original plant the seeds in the new plant seem ripened brown and hard where as the seeds I found in the original plant are immature white and crushable.


I have someone coming around tomorrow who will be able to give me some advice but I am sure there is more wisdom here.


My problems are:


what to do with this lot should I harvest early they are due to be harvested this weekend any way


what to do about my room I am assuming there must be pollen in the room so I would expect everything in there to produce seeds until I remove the pollen what will need to be done and is there a way of doing it without running the room down I have plants a all stages the latest only went in on the 11th so to run it down would mean either pulling them all or waiting anther 7 weeks and then I would have to wait 2 months for my next lot :)

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Are you still growing from clones? If yes, the most likely explanation is that a plant has hermied and seeded your crop. To have some ripe seeds and some immature ones, the 'seeding' must've happened weeks ago.


If you started this lot from seed, you might have had a sneaky male lurking in there at some point and been too slow to pull him out. I'd be keeping a very careful eye on things from now on.


Plants don't spit viable pollen forever, so any other young plants you have in there will probably be safe.

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Are you still growing from clones? If yes, the most likely explanation is that a plant has hermied and seeded your crop. To have some ripe seeds and some immature ones, the 'seeding' must've happened weeks ago.


If you started this lot from seed, you might have had a sneaky male lurking in there at some point and been too slow to pull him out. I'd be keeping a very careful eye on things from now on.


Plants don't spit viable pollen forever, so any other young plants you have in there will probably be safe.


I am growing from clones there was males in the room in early stages when I sexed them but that was over 2 months ago and they where pulled as soon as they showed signs. I have had 2 harvests in the last month and they was fine they where all clones from 1 plant this lot has clones from a second plant and it is mainly that plant that has got seeds although the clones in the tray from the first mother do have some seeds. the seeds are ripe in the plants from the second mother but immature and there is no many in the plants from the original mother. I am thinking it is the plants from the second mother that has turned hermi and pollenated itself and then the other plants around it. I can not find any seeds in any of the other trays just the one they are in.


So would I be ok to get rid of the second mother her clones and just continue growing with just clones from my original mother and any pollen in the room will eventually disperse and stop being a problem

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Hey Juggler, just had to kill a whole outside Greenhouse scrog due to it turning hermi, so I feel ya pain =). Female clones are the way to go as Billo said. Plenty of peeps on here will help you get your cloning down pat. My first run I lost them all due to stupidity but after that, I have a 100% of my clones come through every time. And Cloning is Fun =).

Best Wishes. Gh72

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Thanks everyone for the replies and advice sorry I have not replied I have had internet problems. Let you know what happened I let the planets go full term and harvested they was full of seeds the kicker was the problem plant was a really nice smoke but that's life. I have had a second harvest since then, with clones from my original mother, and all the plants in the room ranging from 2-7 weeks into head are doing well with no seeding problems so it looks like the problem was my second mother going hermi but it does not seem to have caused the rest of the room to get pollinated which surprised me. So what I thought was going to be a major problem was not to bad after all :thumbsup: I have ditched he mother and all clones from her that went hermi and I have managed to score clones from a plant with a good track record I have a tray of hem on the go about 3 weeks into head and they are looking good and I have kept 1 clone back and started cloning her so I should have my 2 mothers like I wanted.


I did take gottagrow advice and I sprayed the room with a fine mist of water not sure if it helped but sure may have as I was surprised I did not get plants in the other trays seeding so if anyone has the same problem well worth a trying.


Once again thanks everyone for the replies and advice it is really appreciated

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