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Hi guys, a researcher needs help...

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Hi all, came across this at uk420, thought you might be interested. This is the start post of a thread about a researcher...


farmweb Posted: Jul 7 2003, 08:22 PM  on UK420


At Glasto last week, I filled in a drug survey thingy, and got chatting to the guy running it - to cut a long story short, we swapped cards, and he's been in touch.

He's doing a phd on cannabis cultivation and cultivators, and desperately wants to talk to some growers (obviously in full confidence).

I feel that his work can only help "the cause" - (IDMU helps a lot of people in court)- I suggested the best place I knew for him to find some people to chat to is here, so sometime later, he'll be along.

Obviously you'd have to establish his bona fides, but having met and spoken to him, he is one of the good guys (no porcine whiffs whatsoever!). I reproduce his contact details below with his full permission - and warned him he'd probably be inundated!



Gary Potter BA MA

Lecturer in Criminology and Doctoral Researcher

University of Sheffield Department of Law

Tel: 01273 710 693


Independent Drug Monitoring Unit (researcher)


(gotta love that name, Gary Potter :B): )

He's interested in some growers who would like to put their views forward in a questionnaire about how laws affect them, how much you use, what's your usage history... It's all in confidence, and he asked if I could pass on this info to some other growers in oz. So here I am.


Anyhoo, like farmweb says, you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable, just send an email to the address listed and you'll recieve a copy of the questionnaire to fill out and send back...


I think it's great that someone out there is actually trying to get the views of the grower, and to study our culture. So let's all show them what we're made of eh? :D

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