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The Morning Show

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Was just watching and they had a discussion on drug use as lady gaga has apparently said she is an 'occasional' cocaine user.


It was the usual unbalanced anti-drug monologue so I sent them an email here The Morning Show


I was just watching your "lady gaga drug use" topic and was happy to see Kylie point out that drinking alcohol is drug use too (even if it was just a passing comment)


What concerned me was that even though it was openly accepted as fact (by all the 'experts' on the couch) that thousands use drugs with no side effect and it is a small % who have any negative side effects, drug prohibition was never raised.


Prohibition causes more problems in society than illicit drug use does by a long way.


It costs millions to enforce (unsuccessfully in reality, drug use is more wide spread than ever in history)


Families and individuals lives are destroyed by criminal records or jail over personal use.


Home invasion and searches by police on Australian medical cannabis growers is common as they are on personal drug users not dealers which often results in charges that are carried for life.


The only winners are the criminal gangs and organisations involved in supplying the illegal market.


The "War On Drugs" is lost. It has done nothing but been the best advertiser of drug use and has only helped spread their use and destroyed many a persons future in the process by labeling them as 'criminals'.


It would be great to see this topic raised by Sunrise or The Morning Show in future discussions on drug use in society. It would make for a much more balanced discussion imo.


Peace MongyMan


Did anyone else see it? If so send them an email or your own. They might even take notice if they get enough :)


Peace MM

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