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~Sawyers~ 2010/11 Outdoor Grow

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Greetings fellow cannabis enthusiasts,


Welcome to my outdoor grow thread for the season of 2010/2011. I know it's only early August, but that means that Spring is right around the corner. I've been busy the past few weeks getting prepared for what will hopefully be my best season to date. That's my goal, to improve on the previous years work, and it looks promising so far.


My soil recipe includes a premium garden mix, chicken manure, perlite and a touch of gypsum. Some of the plants will be grown in large home built pots and some will be in the ground. Some will be clones and some will be started from seed. Basically there will be a bit of everything.


My main strains for this season are:


Malberry F1's. These seeds are the first generation from the original Malberry I grew last year.


Malberry x Early Durban. From a ED I had that got pollinated by the above Malberry male. I've grown out dozens of seedlings so far to select a single mother plant, which I intend to take numerous clones from.


I have a few other strains sitting around that I'd like to try as well...


post-679-1281524786_thumb.jpg post-679-1281524798_thumb.jpg post-679-1281524807_thumb.jpg


Anyway, that's it for now. Still got plenty of work to do. :thumbsup:



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good luck mate keep up the pics :thumbsup: those seedlings about 2 weeks old?


Thanks Skyfury.


They're just over 3 weeks old. I started dozens of seedlings and have culled any that weren't up to scratch. The plan is to veg them under lights (14/10 atm) and then whack them outside once the days are a bit longer. They will get a bit of a head start this way, without going into early flower.


I'll throw up some pics of my outdoor pots on the w/e.

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Some of the pots I'll be using are rather large. They're home made from hessian cloth and wire fencing. They're about 18inches deep and 1m across in diameter, so they hold a shitload of soil. The basic theory is that the bigger the pot, the bigger the plant. Some outdoor med growers use this method in the US.




I've put a single seedling out just for shits n' giggles, it's still too early for my liking, but we'll see how it goes. I also have some clones that'll be ready soonish. They probably won't be going out until Oct.





Edited by ~sawyer~
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