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THC to CBD ratio

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From what I understand, generations of breeding have lowered CBD levels in favor of THC as they are, to an extent, antagonists. The hunt is certainly on for high CBD - high THC plants as a way of managing pain etc without the THC 'high'. I've read some lengthy discussions of this, and it seems like some of the cali dispensaries are onto it.


My understanding is that Harborside in Oakland (with their onsite mass spectrometer) recently came across a strain from one of their breeders that had a very high CBD content, and that they were going to be distributing the genetics to other growers once the tests were done.


THC has anti-psychotic properties - studies have borne this out. It also reacts poorly with a subset of people with psychotic issues and can exacerbate the illness in those folk. CBD based cures might well be a good fit here. High TCH / High CBD might well give the medical benefits of both substances, less the more intense psychotropic effects.


The sooner this stuff is legal, the sooner we can get some proper research into all this.


EDIT: content added.

Edited by Paladin
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THC gets you high, but doesnt CBD enhance some effects of THC while lowering others??


What does CBN do? Does it have any proven medical value like THC and CBD?


Yep - cbd (which constitutes up to 40% of the cannabis resin) is largely a THC antagonist, meaning it actively works against the THC 'high'. The mechanisms of most of this are still unknown, and there are over 66 chemicals unique to cannabis (hence the name cannabinoids), so it is probably an awful lot more complicated than that in real life. CBD seems to have anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic affects. That said, people have tended to breed for 'potency' over the years, meaning high THC low CBD content compared to landrace strains.


High CBD/Low THC is found in industrial hemp, etc. Someone might be able to help me out here, though. Given the various proven uses for CBD, why aren't people who don't want to get high smoking hemp as a way to alleviate anxiety/seizures/cancers and all the other things CBD is good for? Also - if someone is having a bad experience with THC for whatever reason, getting paranoid etc, wouldn't the logical fix be to smoke some industrial hemp?


CBN is, as I understand it, less understood than CDB and is (as mentioned) just what happens to THC when it oxidises. It surely interacts with the existing THC content, and many claim it leads to a more fuzzy/messed up experience rather than a clear one (our couchlock versus high/trippy if you prefer). As far as I know, it doesn't have unique medicinal properties like some of the other plant chemicals. I'd love to hear it if I'm wrong on that one, though. It certainly seems a little under-investigated and neglected.

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THC gets you high, but doesnt CBD enhance some effects of THC while lowering others??
trueand there is so much more to this story

science have only just started to try to gain an overstanding of the endocannaboid system and it works

CBD THC and CBN there is only a handfull more that science is beginning to study

there could very well be many more cannabinoids that effect THC and CBD medicinal antipshycotic properties

What does CBN do? Does it have any proven medical value like THC and CBD?
good question

some say it improves the meditative qualities

more in the head than in the body




cannabis brings the endocannaboid system into ballance


since everybody has different requirements to bring the endocannaboid system into ballance

thus cannabis effects different people in different ways

to find out how CBN affects you

try it

smoke some over mature budz

strictly a personal affair


THC has anti-psychotic properties - studies have borne this out. It also reacts poorly with a subset of people with psychotic issues and can exacerbate the illness in those folk. CBD based cures might well be a good fit here.

but we need to get some perspective here

we are talking about an extreamly small preportion of the population

for a start only 2 to 4% of most developed countries suffer from mental illness

i have spoken to many learnerd people in the profession

in this time

most come up with the same figurers 1 in 20 of their patients are recommended to not smoke cannabis

1 in 20 of 4% of the population is what we are talking about that should try high CBD strains and see if that works


irey guidance

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but we need to get some perspective here

we are talking about an extreamly small preportion of the population

for a start only 2 to 4% of most developed countries suffer from mental illness

i have spoken to many learnerd people in the profession

in this time

most come up with the same figurers 1 in 20 of their patients are recommended to not smoke cannabis

1 in 20 of 4% of the population is what we are talking about that should try high CBD strains and see if that works


irey guidance


Agreed, mate. I didn't mean to imply otherwise :) The stats I've read are higher than 1 in 20, but your point (that we're talking a subset of a subset of people) still stands. Another confounding factor here is that I'm yet to see a study on this that controls for different strains of cannabis. And of course that makes a huge difference. Maybe indica works differently than sativa here?


You know your stuff - so I have a couple of questions :)


Do you know of anyone who has tried high-cbd strains like industrial hemp as a way to sober up rapidly or in addition to a high THC strain as a way to keep the medicinal aspects while mitigating the psychoactive impacts?


I have nothing against the psychoactive effects myself, but can see a place for this sort of thing - perhaps even for the fraction of a fraction of people we're discussing here.

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I have nothing against the psychoactive effects myself, but can see a place for this sort of thing - perhaps even for the fraction of a fraction of people we're discussing here
yes i hear you Paladin


totally feel sameway

Do you know of anyone who has tried high-cbd strains like industrial hemp as a way to sober up rapidly or in addition to a high THC strain as a way to keep the medicinal aspects while mitigating the psychoactive impacts?

i made some high CBD tincture and Hashish for a phsyc nurse who used it to treat his patients

he said it was very effective

and all his patients liked it


how did i make high CBD tincture and hashish ????????

as i stated before

CBD is a precurser to THC

so harvest early for a high CBD content

the crystal as they mature are clear at frist then they turn milky, then amber


under 10x Magnification

amber is high THC<-------Peek maturity


milky is high CBD<---------Pre Mature


what makes all the cannabinoids degrade and change

is ----> air, heat and light

so the cure of your harvest will also effect the ballance of the cannabidoids

eg CBD to THC

so the ideal way of curing to capture high CBD content,

would be ---->in the dark, in an enclosed environment, at low temps


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