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large leaf removal!

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as most of you guys may have seen my previous posts im sure youre aware that im very much a novice at this point, so please understand if i sound like the dopiest focker on earth when ask "is it ok to remove some of the larger leaves off the plant to allow more light to filter through the plant??" im in my third week of flower and a lot of the lower bud sites seem to be getting shaded by the larger leaves, one guy told me the leaves are needed by the plant to help in the photosynthesis process, is that correct??


thanks guys :thumbsup:

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heya shylie welcome here :whistle:


mate yes there is truth in the saying that leaves are the plant's solar panels and the plant does need leaves to convert sunlight into sugars, starches and energy for healthy growth also the leaves allow the plant to breathe

in addition the green leaves store sugars an starches etc. when the plant goes to flower it needs huge amount of energy to build flowers and the plant translocates the stored building blocks from the older lower leaves and uses it to build flowers rather than producing new energy, hence in late flower lower fan leaves tend to yellow and die


so you can see the leaves are pretty important , but it doesnt mean you cant take any leaves off but just keep it down to a bare minimum , you can fold and turn leaves down to allow light into centre of plant

but when its all finished you dont really get much good buds from down low or in the centre of plant from letting light in there anyway


all da best :thumbsup:

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