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Sex Party wants drug use decriminalised

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Personal drug use should be decriminalised and drug abusers should be rehabilitated rather than imprisoned, the Australian Sex party says.


Launching the party's revolutionary drug law policy in Sydney on Tuesday, party president and Victorian Senate candidate Fiona Patten said the Sex Party would push for the decriminalisation of personal drug use if it won a seat in federal parliament.


The policy calls for the decriminalisation, not legalisation, of possession and consumption of drugs for personal use, up to a quantity of up to 14 days' supply for one person.


Date: 10 August 2010

Source: smh.com.au


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in the privacy of that polling booth who isnt going to vote for sex.



These proposals are not all that radical.


Illegal drug abuse cost Australia about $3.8 billion a year, Prof Wilson said.


The Australian Sex Party is first and foremost a civil liberties party, but it's also about getting government intervention out of people's lives, allowing adults to make those decisions for themselves, whether it's censorship, whether it's same-sex marriages, whether it's sexuality or whether it's drugs, we believe that this is about adults making decisions for themselves


These proposals are not all that radical.


"The current war on drugs has utterly failed.


"We've tried it here for 50 years, let's move towards the Portuguese model.


oh my God, the world didn't end for Portugal," Ms Patten said.


"In fact, drug use has declined in that country.


"People seeking health services for drug addiction and drug abuse has tripled and it's been a phenomenal success.



irey guidance

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They actually have some very good policies down. Of course the decriminalisation of illicit drugs, abolishment of internet censorship and monitoring (which I suppose includes the selling of our browsing history to third parties), introduction of same sex marriage, equal number of women in Parliament, sexual dysfuction treatment drugs to come under the pharmaceutical benefits scheme, etc.


Might get my vote!

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What I'd be really interested to know is what the breakdown is of that $3.8 billion spent each year on illicit drug abuse. How much of that is spent on those that need it the most? And how much of that figure is law enforcement, the judiciary, the legal profession, media, religious groups etc etc that benefit financially from the war on drugs... How much of that $3.8 billion is spent on wages for drug squad, federal police, customs, border patrol (not to mention the TV crews "following their every daring move, keeping you safe at night and all"...)


That said, I do like the Sex Party's policy, and its moniker :thumbsup:

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I watched austen tayshus( the comedien) on sunrise a few weeks ago and he is running for a seat in sydney.then the other day they had a 5 min debate between the sex party and family firstparty-polar opposites!!! And the sex party is basically a civil-libertes party.Even koche liked ther policies he just thought it was a bad name and it would turn some people off!Great policies!

they may get my vote.

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Sex and Drugs Party .. it'd be a fucking party alright !

how can they go wrong? :) LMAO

bet there's some real kinky pollies too

imagine them stoned @ question time in parliament toking on a huge communal hooker with 3-4gram block of smoldering hash , then adjourning the house to have an full-on-orgy with the other hookers :)

might f#%k some sense into the lot of them :)



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Sex and Drugs Party .. it'd be a fucking party alright !

how can they go wrong? lol LMAO

bet there's some real kinky pollies too

imagine them stoned @ question time in parliament toking on a huge communal hooker with 3-4gram block of smoldering hash , then adjourning the house to have an full-on-orgy with the other hookers :)

might f#%k some sense into the lot of them :)






Classic post Frazz .... the Sex Party should use this as their political slogan!


Go the Sex Party for taking on the drug issue ;)



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i think they might have a chance at some power!they seem to make sence and they will get my vote...if i can hear in Victoria. if we dont stand up and elect partys like these that are looking out for the drug community then its a waste of time talking about decriminalization! the big party's will never go for it unless there is some one in there willing to stand up and speak there mind.
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Sex and Drugs Party .. it'd be a fucking party alright !


lmao funny shit :)


14 days supply, decriminalisation, how are you supposed to grow your own and keep away from the baddies??.... saying that though I agree it's good to have this issue raised and that they are willing to discuss it. Most of us would relate to their argument closer than the usual 2 party mantra, which in turn has to be a good thing :) .... does that mean I'm kinky as well?... coooool

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