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We won!


Late last night the Coalition announced it won't be voting for an internet filter that censors the web. This comes after the Government responded to our campaign by deferring the filter until 2012 (with the likelihood that the filter will never come back in its current form).


With independent Senator Nick Xenophon, the Greens and now the Coalition all walking away from the ineffective policy of censoring the internet, there is now no way for the Senate to pass this scheme.


This is your victory. Thank you!


Check out what we did together -- and hear about the ongoing global fight here:




We've known all along that a system of internet censorship that missed the vast majority of unwanted content, would encourage the outsourcing of parenting and limit our online freedoms.


And we've been joined in these endeavours by our friends at Electronic Frontiers Australia and literally thousands of campaigners in a grassroots movement.


But firewalls, monitoring and governments blocking websites was never just an Australian problem. With our victory comes the realisation that social movements in Iran, China and Burma are still fighting for their political freedoms online. In fact, 30% of the world's population live in regimes that block access to parts of the internet.


Responsibility falls on us, on this side of the firewall, to help our friends who are forced to live with censored internet and the axing of their political freedoms. That's why, in partnership with our friends at global campaigning group Avaaz, we've gotten behind a worldwide anti-internet censorship movement -- AccessNow. Access provides ways for you to provide your voice, your bandwidth and your resources to continue the global flight.




Today's announcement is a real example of the power of an organised, mature, online movement. Indeed it was new technology and the power of online campaigning, which was itself at risk from internet filtering, that brought this campaign to the masses.


Thank you being a part of this movement,

the GetUp Team


P.S. It's an historic day for our democracy, as the headlines from Canberra read: "GetUp! High Court win overturns Howard's electoral laws." More to come on this HUGE victory...


With the election just around the corner, here at GetUp we're sending more emails than usual at the moment. We know you can have too much of a good thing - so if you'd like to receive fewer emails from us over this busy time, click here and we will keep it to one every week or so.

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GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now! If you have trouble with any links in this email, please go directly to www.getup.org.au. To unsubscribe from GetUp, please click here.


Authorised by Simon Sheikh, ;)

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This is fantastic news. Working professionally in IT for the past 5 years (and playing with computers for the past 15) this just reaked of big brother. There were no pro's in this for blocking out the "child porn" or "refused classification material" it just never was going to work. As soon as they mentioned that it would be a blocked list on the ISP's side, the first thing my work mates said were that it will get bypassed in 5 minutes.
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We won!


Late last night the Coalition announced it won't be voting for an internet filter that censors the web. This comes after the Government responded to our campaign by deferring the filter until 2012 (with the likelihood that the filter will never come back in its current form).


With independent Senator Nick Xenophon, the Greens and now the Coalition all walking away from the ineffective policy of censoring the internet, there is now no way for the Senate to pass this scheme.


This is your victory. Thank you!


Check out what we did together -- and hear about the ongoing global fight here:




We've known all along that a system of internet censorship that missed the vast majority of unwanted content, would encourage the outsourcing of parenting and limit our online freedoms.


And we've been joined in these endeavours by our friends at Electronic Frontiers Australia and literally thousands of campaigners in a grassroots movement.


But firewalls, monitoring and governments blocking websites was never just an Australian problem. With our victory comes the realisation that social movements in Iran, China and Burma are still fighting for their political freedoms online. In fact, 30% of the world's population live in regimes that block access to parts of the internet.


Responsibility falls on us, on this side of the firewall, to help our friends who are forced to live with censored internet and the axing of their political freedoms. That's why, in partnership with our friends at global campaigning group Avaaz, we've gotten behind a worldwide anti-internet censorship movement -- AccessNow. Access provides ways for you to provide your voice, your bandwidth and your resources to continue the global flight.




Today's announcement is a real example of the power of an organised, mature, online movement. Indeed it was new technology and the power of online campaigning, which was itself at risk from internet filtering, that brought this campaign to the masses.


Thank you being a part of this movement,

the GetUp Team


P.S. It's an historic day for our democracy, as the headlines from Canberra read: "GetUp! High Court win overturns Howard's electoral laws." More to come on this HUGE victory...


With the election just around the corner, here at GetUp we're sending more emails than usual at the moment. We know you can have too much of a good thing - so if you'd like to receive fewer emails from us over this busy time, click here and we will keep it to one every week or so.

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Click here to let us know you want less email.


GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now! If you have trouble with any links in this email, please go directly to www.getup.org.au. To unsubscribe from GetUp, please click here.


Authorised by Simon Sheikh, :please:


Nothing was won it was merely set aside to be re-done in 2012, or it will be dealt with after the election.

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