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Drunk? Just drive home

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WAGGA police are fuming after a controversial decision affecting drink-drivers was set in Sydney on Tuesday.


Wagga-based NSW Police Association spokesman Mick Connor is livid at the court system undermining police atte-mpts to curb drink-driving after a Sydney woman cited a lack of public transport as an excuse to have her drink-driving charge dismissed without conviction.


People in Wagga and other regional communities have limited access to public transport, particularly at night, and most would not expect to hear someone in Sydney blaming a lack of public transport as a reason to get behind the wheel.


Jasmin Henley, 27, was charged with low-range drink driving after being pulled over while she driving home from a work dinner in the eastern suburbs. Despite the blood alcohol reading of .067 and stating in court drinking and driving causes fatalities, magistrate Brian Maloney dismissed the charge because there were not enough public transport options for Ms Henley.


Patrons of hotels in communities like Collingullie, Mangoplah and Boree Creek can be counted among those who can be stranded after a couple of drinks no taxis, no public transport but according to their publicans they are switched on”.


Most of the clientele at the Mangoplah Hotel are people passing through or those ducking in for a couple of beers after work before cruising home, but there are the odd few who end up needing a place to stay, publican Trine Browne said.


Were in the village centre, so they usually walk, sometimes their wife drops them off, and some people just don't drink she said.

They've always got someone as the designated driver, that's a big thing now, especially with the young kids. I have had instances where instead of them driving home, I've taken the keys off them and offered them a room I don't charge them for that, I'd just rather not let them drive. You've got to look after them.


Owner of the Crossroads Hotel at Collingullie, Debbie Jones, provided a similar story, but could not believe Ms Henley's drink-driving charge was dropped.


There's no way they'd say that out here ... no way a judge here in Wagga would say you live in Collingullie, there's no transport, she said.


It must have been a good judge.


Mr Connor said the decision was concerning and had to be appealed by the DPP.


The reason why we have drink-driving laws is because (the majority) of fatal motor vehicle accidents and injury accidents is because of people driving under the influence.


It makes a mockery of our efforts to enforce the road rules and drive down the road toll.


The dismissal could set a dangerous precedent for people appealing drink-driving charges, particularly in regional areas where public transport is minimal, particularly on weekends.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander, he said.


It's not just Wagga, it's anywhere in the bush. If the court starts giving out penalties like this, for the rest of us that do the right thing it’s a slap in the face.


To be honest, I've never heard of it happening. Twenty-nine years I've been in the police force and I certainly haven't heard of it happening in the bush community because as a whole, people know if they do the wrong thing, they'll be hit.



Date: 5 August 2010

Source: The Daily Advertiser


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