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Email I sent to Kelvin Thompson & his reply.

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Thank you for your email regarding an article in the Sydney Morning

Herald on data retention.


The Labor Government is consulting broadly with industry in relation to

the continuing availability of telecommunications data for law

enforcement and national security purposes before making a decision on

introducing a data retention regime.


The number of requests made for access to telecommunications data in the

last reporting year demonstrates the value of this tool in the

investigation of serious crime and security matters.


The purpose of industry consultation was to initiate discussion on

possible models. Consultations have developed a possible model whereby

the data retained would identify the parties to a communication, where

and when that communication is made and the communication's duration.


A proposed data retention regime would seek to ensure that the

information currently retained by industry for their own business

purposes remains available for critical law enforcement and national

security investigations. Any data retention proposal will not include

the retention of content of a communication. Access to the content of

communications is strictly prohibited except by a warrant issued under

the Interception Act.


The Labor Government does not propose to require the telecommunications

industry to retain data about the contents of internet sessions.


The Labor Government would ensure that any proposal would be consistent

with the Privacy Act and Federal Labor's privacy reforms.


It is vital that any data retention regime strike the correct balance

between individual privacy, commercial imperatives and community

expectations that unlawful behaviour is investigated and prosecuted.


I hope this information is of assistance to you. Should you feel I can

be of further assistance concerning this or any other matter in future,

please do not hesitate to contact me again.


Yours sincerely,


Kelvin Thomson MP


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 3:21 PM

To: Thomson, Kelvin (MP)

Subject: Internet





Dear Mr Thomson,


I have been a resident in your electorate since 1975. I would like you

to read the above article in todays Sydney Morning Herald. First it was

Internet censorship with that fool of a man called Conroy, now this

article which is a further invasion of my and other voters privacy. Can

you please tell me why the federal government needs to gather private

information and then tell me what I can and cannot read on the internet.


What has happened to the Labour Party? It is fast becoming a fascist

government. None of you have a real feel for the people any more, none

of you listen to your people.

Instead of wasting tax payers money on ridiculous things like the above,


our money should be going into more health care and schooling.

If Labour wins the next election will we be subjected to book burning



Your party has lost the plot BIG TIME.


And please do not tell me it is for our county's security.


I will not vote Labour ever again if something is not done by Labour to

really get back to the workers and listen to what they have to say.





an ex Labour voter and a tradesman/blue collar worker.


Stop treating the people like fools, as we are not.

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Typical no stance, go nowhere political answer. That MP will most likely keep that reply as a template for others if it was not already.


I have always voted labour federally because I knew I would be better off at work. They have lost the plot though the ALP. I will be suprised if they are re-elected with Gillard at the helm.


Either way its a scarey world now, anyone could be spying on you. Doesn't help with the paranoia. ;)

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The Labor Government is consulting broadly with industry .... before making a decision on

introducing a data retention regime.


but then....

The purpose of industry consultation was to initiate discussion on possible models.


Ummmm, why are you consulting about possible models if you haven't made a decision on introducing your data retention regime yet?


Ahh, pollies, always tripping themselves up..


Keep fighting the good fight tho brick ;)

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