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Did you know that drugs have been part of our culture since the 1960's?! Before that, it seems, there was no such thing as 'drugs'. According to Drug Free World this is a truism.


Similarly, according to this crack-pot site, people only take drugs either to 'relax', 'experiment', 'fit in', or 'relieve boredom'. None mentions that we do what we do because it is fun and, in my case, insightful. Rather, according to the people over at the Drug Free World claim that ALL drugs work in the same way: "A small amount acts as a stimulant (speeds you up). A greater amount acts as a sedative (slows you down). An even larger amount poisons and can kill. This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs."


This is a surprise to me, considering that from a biological point of view many drugs skip their universal "stimulant rule" and go straight into sleepiness-mode. "In fact, in the first hour of smoking marijuana, a user’s risk of a heart attack could increase fivefold." Some how though our faithful friend Mary-Jane causes heart-attacks, a fact that seems rather exaggerated if you ask me.


And then, they go on about the old "gateway theory" which is absolute rubbish:

More of their lies.


I just had to say this to someone. If you guys are too stoned to read this just click the links and watch the videos :yahoo:



P.S - How many of you guys out there actually do other drugs on a regular basis? Did weed MAKE you do them?




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I hate hearing propaganda like this, all it dose is misinform ppl, distort the truth and leads ppl into making bad decisions against drugs! So there wasn't any drugs in the Myan or Inca civilizations? The Egyptians didnt drink beer or take opium?

The native Americans didn't eat peyote? the south America tribes didn't use dmt? this has probably all been written buy some mother that hates drugs with no experience and has no idea how to use google to search for proper information....long live errorism

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That is my point exactly man. I remember sitting on the bus talking to my little year 7 friend about the wonders of cannabis (I was in year 12 at the time). And some ignorant lady said that people like me (I assume drug users?) are the reason that kids get "brain washed" into using drugs. I laughed when she told me her brother used to be a professional AFL player, but contracted schizophrenia after trying pot a few times.


Luckily that little year 7 kid has grown up into a fine example of a weed-smoking academic like myself. But the point still remains that WE (the "evil brain washers") are the ones who disseminate truth to the masses while the "good guys" are the ones twisting facts.


There has to be something that we can do to stop this madness.

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what shit .

this is all quite laughable . the 1960,s . prohibition was around in the 30,s when marijuana was turning people into bats . and 5000 years before that its been used for pretty much day to day life in most cultures . geoege washington smoked the bloody stuff . the chinese have been producing emphetamines for 3000 years . aboriginals have been chewin beatlenut for 4000 years . napolean had his snuff . and i think the afghans probably new about opium a bit before the 60,s .


what a dick

i smoke cause it gets me wasted relieves a few of my pains and makes me forget about all the dickheads out there who dont know what the fuck they are sayin . and have done so every day for 20 years i must be gonna die soon from all that abuse , even though i can still run all day . and my mind is clearly a mess . heart attacks my arse .


bloody gooses

if i could get my smoko at the local shop then i would,nt need to go to a drug dealers house . were he may ask me if there is any thing else i might like . when in rome .

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what shit .

this is all quite laughable . the 1960,s . prohibition was around in the 30,s when marijuana was turning people into bats . and 5000 years before that its been used for pretty much day to day life in most cultures . geoege washington smoked the bloody stuff . the chinese have been producing emphetamines for 3000 years . aboriginals have been chewin beatlenut for 4000 years . napolean had his snuff . and i think the afghans probably new about opium a bit before the 60,s .


what a dick

i smoke cause it gets me wasted relieves a few of my pains and makes me forget about all the dickheads out there who dont know what the fuck they are sayin . and have done so every day for 20 years i must be gonna die soon from all that abuse , even though i can still run all day . and my mind is clearly a mess . heart attacks my arse .


bloody gooses

if i could get my smoko at the local shop then i would,nt need to go to a drug dealers house . were he may ask me if there is any thing else i might like . when in rome .

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yeah I posted about this site a while back. It's run by the Church of Scientology...


Now it makes sence. Religion is the root of all evil.

God botherer's in general are the most ill informed people on the planet.


I repeat in GENERAL.

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speaking for myself i most definately disagree with the Gateway theory... i started smoked atthe humble age of 16 .. smoked for 2 years then had a good 5 year break without touching any other drug...bar the odd birthday eccy... now i conceed i smoke as regular as i am finiancially enable and have no intenton of pursuing harder drugs... Ive had tis conversation overand over again... people tend to generalise smokers and marijuana like all smokers are te same, all weed is the same... when it couldnt be further from the truth.. now alcohol...... thats a gateway drug....
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I generally disagree with the gateway theory, except with hallucinogens, but luckily the anti-pot people haven't figured out that a fair percentage of pot users (obviously not all) become interested in other, more powerful hallucinogens such as LSD or Magic Mushshrooms.


Then again some pot users simply experiment with other drugs.


I use opiates sometimes, purely just for their relaxing effects. They are not as safe as pot, but can be used safely with the correct knowledge.

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Now it makes sence. Religion is the root of all evil.

God botherer's in general are the most ill informed people on the planet.


I repeat in GENERAL.


I don't really disagree, but i (and several courts) don't regard scientology as a religion. Just sayin'. I read up on it pretty extensively a while ago, many lulz were had.



;) i was wondering what kind of idiots could possibly have produced such blatant idiocy... should have guessed! ;)

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