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Strength of foliar feeding vs watering

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during veg stage i foliar feed every week-10 days with "Amgrow Organix Harvest" (contains;fish, seaweed, fulvic acid,organic growth hormones and trace elements) at recommended doses one teaspoon per lt. of water with "Dutch Master Penetrator" as a wetting agent


i dont foliar feed with my nutes cause i reckon the plants get the benefit of that from the hydroponic flood they get, i foliar feed with a organic product that might supply extras like natural growth hormones such as Triacontanol* and miscellaneous trace elements found in seaweeds etc

*Triacontanol: is a naturally occurring plant hormone that has proven results in corn, tomatoes, alfalfa by increasing plant yield through improved photosynthesis and cell division


cant say i have done a side-by-side comparison to evaluate the effectiveness of foliar spraying, but it certainly doesnt hurt the plants, and in my own mind i believe the plants develop a stronger architecture, but hey i believe in conspiracy theories too so what would i know :scratchin: lmao



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I am currently using a mixture of worm castings, high N bat guano & molasses.


For the tea I mix per litre of water

  • 1/3 cup worm castings
  • 1/3 TBSP high N bat guano
  • 1/3 TBSP Unsulphured Molasses

I let the whole lot steep for a day or 2 with a small airpump & airstone aerating & mixing the solution.


Then I use about 1/3 cup of the tea to 1.5 litres of water in my sprayer.


I find 1 sprayer worth does the mullies & another does the rest of my garden (Tomatoes, basil, rosemary, thyme, beans, chillies, hydrangea & roses.


I am going to have to get some high P guano soon to replace the high N guano, as the equinox in approaching.

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