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Yup I agree completely, and that's only the tip of the iceburg, do some googling on 'geoengineering' (disregard what they say about 'maybe one day', it's been going on for 10-15 years) and 'the brigalow corporation' to see just how far along they actually are.


All of what you mentioned and more is part of the reason I get so passionate around election times, we have a chance to vote AGAINST the NWO by voting against their puppet parties, in this case, labour and liberal. And while I also agree that FF aren't that much better and can be easily manipulated by TPTB, I will still put them ahead of labour/liberal because I know they won't get enough candidates elected to form government so we should be safe from their ill-concieved view of the world. Pity they don't read their Bibles more I guess. :helpsmilie:


And you are also right that they are using 1984 as an instruction manual and not as the warning it was intended to be.




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I just got my Family First leaflet in the mail today.


I'm just trying to piece it back together again, coz I tore it up as soon as I read it :D But mine has VERY different wording to those quoted in this thread.


Under a banner headline reading "About our policies" mine reads:


"Drugs destroy lives

Widespread illicit drug use is fuelling a plague of crime, violence and mental illness. Family First is committed to drug education, effective recovery programs and strong measures to punish those who trade in these toxic, life destroying substances."




Could they use any more inflammatory language? plague?! toxic?! life destroying?! Ah, they fuckin piss me off royally!! All of them, not just this mob. And anyone who doesn't think the mental illness bit wasn't a crack at canna users, think again.

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You are right all substances can be abused but they will not include all substances in their legislation 'cos there is lots of money involved (for the drug companies) and lots of taxes to be gained (for the govt) on many of these substances. So many of them are considered 'Restricted Substances' thus both still make their money but we the people don't have free unfettered access to them.

Many of the churches considers the body a temple given by 'god' and should not be contaminated by such substances. But if you take this view then alcohol and tobacco should be included. Now, no govt can afford to lose the taxes made from both alcohol and tobacco. This causes a conflict in views of church and state.

As for 1984 being a manual, I agree. But again this is historical. Look at Dick Tracy, speaking remotely through his watch or Maxwell Smart and his shoe phone. Now we all have mobiles and we must all have the most up to date model. Anybody watch Dr. Who and the Cybermen episodes where everybody wore ear pieces and ALL information was disemminated via the ear pieces. Scary shit but it could easily happen. Years ago people were concerned about tracking devices and now we all carry one, our mobile phones.

Even 'Star Trek' and "Beam me up Scotty", this technology is being developed. I could go on



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