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Hi nooby,

I have a bit of a problem with ALL religions in politics. I see each faith having its own interpretation of "christianity" and depending on where you stand you can push whatever moral stance suits your interpretation, on that day, at that time. another way of saying this is flexible morals. an eye for an eye or forgive and forget. The bible says both. The catholic bible has 2 extra books in it, to justify some of their beliefs??

I don't have a problem with christians, but I don't push my views on people by knocking on doors telling them how wonderful, how amazing my beliefs are. I do not enforce any moral stance over another. My views are open. Basically be responsible for your actions.


I believe in people and fellow man, not some hairy fairy god. I do agree with some of the basic teachings of christianity and I believe this more as being " a good bloke" than religous convictions. Don't steal. Don't Kill. Be good to thy neighbour.


People are going on about Islamist Extremeists, these are people with in a religion having there own interpretation on Islam.

And FF are doing the same, not just within their religion, but in politics. And that I disagree with. Throughout history christianity has forced people to convert to their beliefs (The crusades) We have christian based system anyway, 80% of public holidays are on Christian feast days. But to enforce one section of the community's views (and a very small one) on to the populas is wrong.


I am unaware of any religous groups who dont support the 'War on Drugs', other than the Rastas. If you know of some let us know


But as for the 'Baby and the bath water', shit the Baby died 2000 years ago, he ain't coming back, get over it!!



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HI Merl1n,


Without getting too embroiled in a religious discussion that would go way off topic...I know what are talking about, I agree wit some of it and I disagree with some if it too. The POINT is though that EVERYONE has a 'religious' point of view and there is no escaping it, everyone believes what they believe ON FAITH and I have not seen any belief that isn't based on faith (though many like to claim they beleive they have proof for what they believe). Another fact I have noted is that it is pretty much impossible to separate a persons actions from what they believe, I mean what they truly believe and not what they claim to beleive, an example of course would be paedophile priests, a person is revealed through their actions and not through their words, especially in politics.


Now the original intent of 'separation of Church and state' (which was from the American bill of rights BTW) was not that religious people shouldn't be allowed to enter politics as seems to be the case these days after a lot of distortion, but rather it was that no one group should be allowed to control Government as we have all seen the abuses that occur when it does. This goes for 'non-religious' groups as well, look at Marxist (atheist ) Russia and China who are responsible for more death and pain in the last century alone than all the so-called 'religious' destruction put together. I fear an atheocracy just as much if not more than I fear a theocracy. So then lets be mature about it and not seek to limit people's participation in government based on their beliefs but rather, based on their stance on the issues.


Another point is that the current government (labour or liberal) HAS THE EXACT SAME STANCE WHEN IT COMES TO THE DRUG ISSUE plus they do extra damage to boot so the only hope, as I said in another thread is to vote the smaller parties and independents, put labour and liberal LAST on the ballot so they don't extra money from the AEC and hope we get enough people elected to make a difference.

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Hi All,

All this crap in my letter box, we must be having an election. But I've just recieved some from Family First party.


:wub: BE AWARE, BE VERY AWARE. :wub:


This party is Assembly Of God church. Now I've stated before " god and politics don't mix " But this lot are slimey. No where on their brochure is their affiliation with the church stated. None of their political banners state it and not many people actually know who they are. They are putting up candidates in each state. This is not good for anyone.


Religion has its place and that's in a church, not in politics.


In SA they have two members in parliament, it has been their push to stiffen up the drug laws, in SA you can no longer purchase hydro equipment including lights due to the change in the law. The law was changed due to FF supporting the SA Labor govt with votes so the labor govt had to support a 'watered down' FF policy. FF policy is NO DRUGS.

'Family First' of course everybody wants to put their Family First, but to me its a nice fluffy phrase for BIBLE BASHERS.

Let people know this fact:

:wub: "a vote fo Family First is a vote for Religion" :afro:


Hope they don't go to the pharmacy then.

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Hi again Nooby,


I ain't interested in a religious debate at all, either. But when a church based political party wants to gain some power to restrict my rights, I have the right to criticise and inform others of their stance. And using South Australia as an example then I would believe that their stance would affect 90% of the people in this online community.


If people don't know, people can't act. People need the information.



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Family First what a fucking joke! I looked it up and will do all i can to per-sway ppl against these voting for these bible bashing Jesus molesting fucks! keep your fucking charity bowl out of our country politics! The should be call "party of the pedo priests"


Just look at a few of the policy's they want to implement or lobby for




just when u think its looking good they have these Gems!


Binge drinking



this one takes the cake, look at how they package banning internet porn......shame on you using children and a scapegoat! kids will just raid dads porn colection like im sure we all used to do before the internet



this one is short so i thought id just cut n paste it



Family First believes a balanced and comprehensive strategy is needed to

combat the increasing problem of substance misuse and abuse. The Party

believes Australia’s response to illegal drugs and health in general should

primarily be preventative through educating the public as well as supporting

rehabilitation services.

Family First rejects harm minimisation as the primary strategy for combating

substance abuse. The Party favours prevention, rehabilitation and avoidance

as more acceptable primary strategies.


Forgetting the fact that "minimization" and "favors" are slept wrong in the policy statement above it looks like all they want to do is the same thing that every government has tried for 6-8 decades and failed! Stop spending my hard earned tax dollars on failed approaches and decriminalize dope and be done with it for fuck sake!


They have plenty of other shit like being against stem cell research, we could lead the world and cure so much misery but no short sighted wankers like this will always hold the human race back! The lobby against the abortion drug RU486 so now we have desperate women dumping babies, back yard abortions and teen suicide this is obviously much better state of affairs!


I think ill vote for Gillard she hasn't fucked up yet but at least she wont make a right mess of things like these wanks will, even if she changes nothing it will still be better than FF getting even a toe in the door!




On another note i think the parliament is lacking representation from the drug users, hard workers and unfairly treated ppl of this unfair land, someone should start a party called "True & Free" (if the religions can bullshit up a name like FF so can we and T&F sounds patriotic) and start to lobby for the rights of the average worker, lower and middle class, cos god knows there is more of us than the upper class conservative snobs out there !

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It's a good call -- we should be VERY aware.


Fundamentalist christian outfits like FF and co will always oppose marijuana on all levels. They'd probably ban tobacco & alcohol too if they could. At least they can't make MJ more illegal than it is. Although I suppose they could increase penalties for getting caught with it :helpsmilie:


The big worry for me is their support of the Internet Filter. A further worry is that it is 'on hold' for a few months now, presumably until Labor win the election and they can put it back on track towards legislation.


What starts out as preventing the online spread of child porn and terrorist propaganda will certainly spread to websites that 'encourage' the propagation and use of banned substances. The premise that such websites and information are harmful to 'our children' is, as Hitler noted, impossible to argue against without committing political suicide.


The filter could effectively ban and shut down websites like this one. Or allow the authorities to record our IP address and use it to prosecute us for viewing such illegal websites. Or even worse, use our viewing or membership of this site as a basis for a search warrant, similar to they way they do for suspected terrorists right now.


I am genuinely worried about the future of this country and our freedom within it. If this Internet Filter gets up I'll seriously consider moving to NZ. Their 3 terms of a socialist Labour govt created a nanny state that we used to laugh at. But another term of Labor here and NZ will start looking like The Netherlands!

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"minimization" and "favors" are slept wrong
???? :helpsmilie:


Also: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/minimisation



So unless you are an American they WERE spelt correctly.


Also also they are NOT against stem cell research, they are merely against EMBRYONIC stem cell research, they are fine with the MUCH more promising adult stem cell research, but that means less profit for big pharma.





On another note i think the parliament is lacking representation from the drug users, hard workers and unfairly treated ppl of this unfair land, someone should start a party called "True & Free" (if the religions can bullshit up a name like FF so can we and T&F sounds patriotic) and start to lobby for the rights of the average worker, lower and middle class, cos god knows there is more of us than the upper class conservative snobs out there !


Then check these guys out and vote for them if you are serious in your convictions:




A vote for labour will be a vote for mandatory internet filtering, mandatory IP logging increased government debt which will increase your taxes AND as their drug policy seems to be identical to that of FF I don't see how any of us would be better off (I suspect that goes for the libs as well). I have had a look on their home page and their position on drugs in not stated anywhere that I could find so going by their lack of action on drug reform then it's safe to assume that they are simply following the yanks lead on that one, just like the good little puppets that they are.


I'm not defending FF, but at least get the facts right. :scratchin:

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:helpsmilie: sorry about the spelling comment i forget that Microsoft have Americanized everything i did re read it and you are right they are happy with adult stem cell research which i a good thing.

As for the internet filter and internet caching it seems that we are going a little bit too far, how long untill they want cameras in our houses, rfid chip implants and gps transmiters on all our cars? its becomeing more and more like 1984, good book horrid idea if it ever begomes reality! but with this goverment in charge it might just be made a reality. Its a total breach of our human rights, freedom of speech and an invasion of our privacy!


If an internet filter did become a common thing a simple search for "anonymous proxy" should show that you can redirect your ip address and they have nothing to go on, most of the certificates these sites use expire every 15 minutes so, this is an example of this page with site surf,





instead of https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...st&do=reply just reads gibberish so i could be looking at xvideo, youporn or whatever.

Even worse you could also cruise about looking for unsecured wifi and go war driving total anonymity! and using a directional antenna you could just hack ppl all around you! this is what will happen if such a filter is put in place, cyber terrorism!


Its just more waste of our precious tax dollar to justify a fucked up sachem that will never work. Porn will go back to the days of adult shops and boot leg copies, If it stops child porn them im all for it but it wont because those sick fucks use torrents not web sites and terrorists use email draft ping pong so their filter will only stop the guy that wants to sit back look at porn and bat one off not the sick fucks out there. Wonder if the rate of violent sexual assault/rape will go up as a result of not being able to wank off?


It seems the days of the humble brothel and sex shops might be over soon if loons like this get their ways, the problem with all this is when do they say its enough?

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