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Marijuana Study: Exit Drug, Not Gateway Drug

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I used to the a homeless chronic alcoholic about 15 years ago, was arrested nearly 50 times, and nearly died many times.


Marijuana is what got me away from alcohol as well.


In fact it was getting off marijuana when I was a teenager that got me into alcohol (due to pressure from parents and psychiatrist telling me that it would make me psychotic), within a few months of quiting I fell into chronic alcoholism for many, many years.


I've been smoking again for around 10 years now, often extremely heavily (I've gone through a full ounce in 3 days before). Have not gone psychotic, what a load of crock.


Despite having been diagnosed with both Major Depression, and Panic disorder, I have never felt addicted to weed. I get moderately restless when I run out, but the withdrawal which doesn't really exist, is less severe than quiting my 5 cups per day coffee habbit let me tell you. The most I have got from quiting from very heavily amounts is a feeling of boredom.

Edited by cybergenesis
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