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Adding H2o2 to nutrient solution?

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Thanks so much for the input, guys. I've just fed with half strength nutes, and the girls seem happy enough. No h2O2 for me. I'll stick with the soil ecology I have.


As far as I understand, ph 6.5 is about what you want for a soil grow. Some drift it deliberately between 6.2 and 6.8.


Cheers. You are a top lot of blokes.


LESSON LEARNED: Don't add h2o2 to nutes if you want to keep the microbes etc in an organic mix alive, and if you want to get the best results from the nutes.

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Yeah, thanks for that Chato. Guess you missed the bit where me and Paladin both use the same Brand of Nutes and the same additives. I may not know anything about H202 and I admitted that but knew about the PH and that the R/E would make it Very hard for the roots to rot so thought I may be able to help.

Paladin already has it, so it was more of an observation of what mine did when water logged using that product. I was expecting root rot too and nothing bad happened at all except a slow in growth rate up top.

If you've used R/E and found it was shit, fair enough maybe it doesn't work for you, but if you haven't can I suggest getting some and trying it, it is as good as I say it is.

I'm not one to give a good rap to 'snake oil', maybe you want to Email the good people at House and Garden, the Van De Zwann's and tell them all their hard work developing that product was a waste of time and money, bet they would love that.

If you got something to say about some mis-information I have given or something, I'll cop that sweet but to just attack me personally because I believe in a product that I have had Exceptional results with is pretty shit.

Thanks for making my visits and helping peeps out when I can on here just that little bit less enjoyable.


Sorry to put this on your thread Paladin and hope your plants are going well now.Gh72.

P.s. Paladin checked for you and optimal soil Ph for those H&G nutes etc you use is 6.3 not 5.8, I was thinking of Coco.Doh!

Edited by Grasshopper72
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Hey guys - I'm gonna correct myself here, lest I misinform anyone else.


I've been mucking around with the beta h&g calculator, and it is now recommending 5.5-6.2ph for soil with these particular nutes (and an ec of 1.2 -2 depending on the time in the cycle). So I'll drift it down to 6.2.


Seems low for soil. Maybe h&g wants a lower ph than is often recommended for soil. Maybe the beta is still showing a range for coco. I dunno. In any case, 6.2 is what I'll be going with for here on out and I'll be keeping a close eye on the impact.


Every mistake I make now is one less to make (I hope) on the next grow. It's all good.

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No sweat Paladin, you owe me nothing, it's a pleasure =) . You know I'm just a secret agent infiltrating O/S and selling dodgy products to unsuspecting people with my Wiley Wiley Ways.:afro:. :wub:


I got all the time in the world for Chato, but not if he's gonna be a dick to me, that shit won't fly, regardless.

No doubt he is a good grower, have seen his threads and he gets great results. I have respect and Patience for everyone as long as I am treated the same. :wub:


hope those plants are perking up and I think that Ph is a step in the right direction. I know it seems low, but for soil it is pretty spot on. Maybe some of the ingredients in the H&G Nutes etc work best in that range. Best Wishes. GH72

Edited by Grasshopper72
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You musta missed the title of the thread GH... I call a spade a spade it;s nothing personal and i don;t think i was harsh or questioned your growing ability nor am i going to dissect your posts in this thread now lest you feel i;m having a further attack on you. I'm simply going to say read what you wrote, read the title of the thread and stay on topic. If you have anything further to say about it GH pm me or ask me in chat or pm Admin, thanks.


Apologies Paladin, your thread will not become a slanging match i've made my last comment. :afro:




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It's all good Chato - and apologies to both you and GH. In my last post I had a quick PS to the effect of I love his enthusiasm and really respect your opinion. Always listen to Chato. Anyway, I thought better of it and edited it out a couple of mins after posting - by which time GH had obviously read and replied (you're on the ball gh).


Ahh, whatever. Here lads, have a hit of this:



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