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Adding H2o2 to nutrient solution?

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Hi all lol I'd appreciate any thoughts. Basically my question is does adding h2o2 to nutes do anything nasty?


Potted up before flower, added nutes per schedule, burned the plants. In hindsight this is obviously because the new soil and added nutes were too hot a mix. Caught it in time, flushed and dialled the nutes right back in a immediate after-flush feed. The girls are recovering nicely, albeit with a few war wounds. However as they are newly repotted, dampness persists at the bottom of the pot where the roots haven't penetrated yet long after the upper soil containing roots is dry. So I need to water, but am worried about the wet feet.


I was wondering if adding a small amount of h2o2 to the next feed would be a way to unstagnate the water, particularly at the bottom of the pot. I'm running h&g soil nutes a &b, roots excelurator, multi zyme and drip clean per the h&g feeding table. I'm not sure if there is anything bioactive in there that the h2o2 would mess up. Also I have some friendly worms roaming around in these pots - would a light h2o2 harm them? I don't want to do that.


Any advice on what you think I should do, ozstoners?


Thanks lol

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Hey Paladin =),

I run H&G but Coco and have found that when potting up I use the 0.3ml mix of R/E and water and a half strength nute mix to flush through the medium at potting, then the next time they need watering I use the full strength mix.

Maybe there is a slight acidity to the soil mix or an additive in it, doesn't matter what you use a good flush will usually fix it.

Don't worry about root rot, the R/E won't let them rot. The bottom of the pot will always be wetter than the top due to air movement and warmth from the light.

Flush once a week with Ph adjusted water and you should prevent any build up, I let it drain a good 15-20%. Just one question, what the hell is H202?

You have H2O(water) and O2(oxygen). I take it you are talking about aerating your resevoir with an air stone?Maybe?


Root Excelorator has lots of beneficial live Microbes in it, that you don't want to upset. Also applies to Multizyme which is full of enzymes and vitamins, which I don't use as R/E is good enough to do the job..

Best advice I can give, go to Bunnings, pick up a soil moisture probe for $10 and you will be able see what the soils REAL moisture level is, I was suprised how far I was out when it came to judging moisture levels in the pots, also remember after a re-pot or flush moisture levels will remain high for awhile, so turn off your drippers off until they use up some of this moisture otherwise you will just drown them. Best of Luck, hope this helps. Gh72

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H202 is hydrogen peroxide.

Worms wouldn't be to impressed with it. lol

Have you put adequate drainage material into your pots? I find clayballs a good material to use around about 2" worth.

Also when I repot my nutriment mix is microscope for the first week. lol

Bio Bugs are a good additive to your ressie for eating dead roots.

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Hey all lol


rev is of couse correct here. H2o2 is as he describes. It's commonly used, gh, to help oxygenate stagnant water, so can be used after overwatering etc. But it's toxic as, so tends to nuke the soil of beneficial microorganisms. If roots excelurator relies on live microbes etc, I doubt it's good for me to chuck it in. I also dont want to hurt the worms. I might pass and just try to watch the girls closely. I do have a whackadoo moisture meter and use it, a finger and pot weight to keep an eye on moisture. At the moment, the bottom level where there are no roots is wet (which should encourage roots to grow down I guess) but I don't want dieback of the roots where they currently sit and are removing water from the medium (and they could use a water at this level today or tomorrow.


Bloody stupid to add nutes after a repot, I know. Dont vape and garden lol


rev, I'm growing in canna Terra pro plus, which drains ok and is ph neutral. I've added 30 percent pearlite to that. No perlite or rubble layer at the bottom as this is the final pot and I wanted to max the root ball. The pots are very free draining, with some flyscreen inside so the pearlite doesn't just pour right out.


Ph in and ph at run off are currently at 6.5 ec is about .4 without nutes and about 1.2 with the regular nute level they're getting. I'll drift this up during flower, but both strains are nute sensitive - surprisingly, the afghan even more so than the haze.

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Cool Paladin, never heard of the H202 trick, now I have =), don't worry about Dieback/Root Rot when using Root Excelorator mate, It won't happen, trust me, I've tried my hardest to kill my plants and that stuff just won't let rot set in.

Yeah, I used to test the pots with my finger and the pot weight, i still use the the pot weight as a rough guide but for the sake of $10 I think you will be suprised how out of the optimum balance of moisture you actually are, I was.

Steer away from Toxic shit to fix mistakes you make when you can fix it Naturally, all that shit ends up in your lungs at the end of the day. I even hate using PH up and Down and try and get it right first time so i don't have to feed the plants too much of that crap. By the way think your PH is too high 5.8 will get them all happy. Also, hope your flyscreen is not aluminium as this will mess with your balances, being metal. Laters. Gh72

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i wouldnt use h202 with zymes etc

i believe h202 kills it so its a waste of time

the way i look at it is...

h202... sterile highly oxygenated mix

zymes and bio bugs etc are alive

they need to be continuosly fed with either some vit b or dead roots

if u wanna do h202 go with straight nute mix and h202

i myself prefer the biobugs etc

in coc o find 6.0 a great ph for bloom and in soil id set her at 6.2

thats the way i have always done it

i guess wat im trying to say is 1 or the other mixing is waste of $$

all the best


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Seriously GH do you work for this Root Excelrator mob? All that seems to spurt outta ya mouth is how wonderful this product is as if peeps couldn;t grow weed before it came along. It reads like SPAM when you don't answer or have any knowledge on the question that the thread is about and just regurgitate the same over zealous praise for some new product your using.


Anyone who gets fixiated on one product and esp when they think it;s the miracle cure should go and see Frazz cuz i;m sure he;s got some snake oil to sell ya that you'd absolutely lap up. (Frazz if your runnin low on the snake oil let me know i;ll bottle up some more)


Now back on topic lol


Billo was 100% correct in your wasting your money using anything bio with hydrogen peroxide aka H202.


H202 is fantastic and has been and will continue to be used by gardeners for a long time (check the labels on some of the products in ya local hydro store next time your there) but it has it;s place. It;s used for cleaning and sterilizing first and foremost but sometimes can be added into weekly feeds to help with root issues in hydro systems it's not really meant for soil applications as it will kill a lot of microbes.


Unless the "stagnant" water is allowed to sit there for 3days plus or you live in a jungle i dont see a huge issue with it. I;d aim for less run off when your feeding em and more when it;s plain water.




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