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double ended clones

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1 method i heard of when i was like 8 was to tie down a branch to the medium (soil or whatever) and make a slit...then u bury the slit after putting some rooting hormone on it and then u have 2 plants from the one.....


it was in a book on how to grow herbs and was under mint but i think it might work...


hope that helps

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Guest Field_of_Light

want...I heard a similar thing when I was younger...the plant gets trained horizontally and when big enough the branch is broken and dipped in rooting hormone and planted underneath soil...when the top starts growing up again the same proceedure till you have 7-8 plants from the one plant...


It was a freinds experiment....

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I think this process is classed as layering.(Not quite the same as the double ended clone theory but along the lines.)

It is vertually a way in which a clone can be rooted before removal from the plant.

Whilest the selected sections/cuttings are still atached, they are still supported by the mother plant. They are then stripped of leaves, treated and wrapped with rooting media, soil/sphagnum moss etc. Once there is enough roots to support the new indevidual, the cuttings is removed and transplanted.

Layering can be done in both soil and more practically in the air.

I am unsure about leaving the new cutting or section attached for the multiple rooot system but it couldnt harm the ladies having two root systems.

Edited by HappyJay
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