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Run to Waste Questions

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Gidday fellows Stoners,


I have trouble finding information on Hydroponic Run to waste setup.

I plan on doing a stealth grow in a working 370 Litre fridge.


My biggest problem is I need to leave the setup on its own for 2 weeks at a time.


Originally I wanted to setup a DWC recirc system with water chiller.

However after reading more and more on the subject and from previous experience

I believe the uneven uptake of Nutes verses water will cause big PH issues that I can't attend to

and ultimately Nute deficiency's.


I believe my only safe option is to use a Run to waste system.

Here are my thoughts. I would like feedback thanks.



I thought of running 2 pots 250mm 8 litre with expanded clay as the growing medium.

Approximately 60 litre res.

Small 500 L/H pump with a timer.


That's the easy bit. now for the questions.


1. Can I get away with only 2 watering's a day of 1 litre per pot per feed?

2. How often would I need to flush with fresh water to prevent salt built up

3. How much fresh water would I need per flush to be effective.


Thanks in advance

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Have to agree with torana... not in exanded clay. Coco is well suited to run-to-waste applications and for that sized pot... you'd probably get away with a single watering until flowering is well established. Just remember that you will need a waste container that is as big as the res.... just in case the pump fails to shut off and pumps the res dry in one go.
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yer coco all the way

coco is very suited to run to waste

i myself grow and have done so for many years that style

id be handwatering till they are settled

then considering we in cool times

1 feed a day

u want to aim for overall runoff of at least 20%

an established plant will feed like crazy

in the early stages of flower u have stretch and will need to be there to raise the light imo

but if u where to time ya break to after the stretch

u should be right with the plants focusing on filling out

weni do a flush i generally water with enough ph adjusted water 3x the size of pot

so if u got 50 ltr pot u need 150 ltr water

all the best


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1. Can I get away with only 2 watering's a day of 1 litre per pot per feed?

not if you use expanded clay as a grow medium

2. How often would I need to flush with fresh water to prevent salt built up
the nutrients you are using will have a recommended flush time

read it thoroughly and follow the directions to the letter

3. How much fresh water would I need per flush to be effective.
each pot is different

it may take 3min or 3hrs

when the water runs out the bottom of the pot ---> 100% clear <-----

the flush is finished

irey guidance

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Hey Buzzo, I am also running Coco drain to waste, all the advice the guys are giving you is spot on. Hand watering can be a bit tricky to start with but use the pots weight to guage how wet they are, when they are very light -water.

I use 8L pots at the moment in small veg plants and if I give a heavy water it only needs it once a week. So by that reakoning, If you use 20Lt pots and give them a Big water before you have to go and Flush as soon as you get back, things should be Oke Doke. Remember, you do no harm by having too much run off, just waste a bit of nutes but under run off will leave salts and Nute build up in the Coco, so more is better =)

But this is dependant on the size of the plant, for small ones this would be fine to start. Then set up your timer to water every day as they get bigger and just increase the watering time as they get bigger again. Best bet would be someone to help you while your away =). especially if they are stretching as Billo said, or even just in growth time, you really need to keep an eye on light distance. It's a hard one mate, to have to choose automated and risk gear failure or go simple and risk it not being enough while your away. If you have a missus, might be time for her to learn a bit about indoor gardening and help you out a bit.:thumbsup:. Goodluck man. GH72

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