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There are many forms, and many negative and destructive outcomes associated with the ways people have tried to deal with their phobia/s. More often than not, they choose to deal with it by destroying/ eradicating that which they fear, instead of learning to accept, understand and respect that which is 'different'/ 'foreign'/ 'unusual'/ 'strange' to them. Their irrational fear becomes tempered with their irrational hatred of the subject matter involved.


If they are in a position of Power (i.e. Governments, Law Makers, Law Enforcers etc), then they usually not only teach their irrational fear/ phobia and their hatred to others, they write it into Policy, and set their hate in stone for the entire country to either accept, or be dealt with.


These collective Hate Policies have a very simple name - they are called 'Apartheid Discrimination Policies'...defined as, "a Policy of social segregation upon individual and collective coverings, defined by differential and/or preferential treatment".


Yes,so-called Democracies and 'Fair Go For All' Countries, like Australia, believe in and apply apartheid discrimination policies, while stating, "We are against apartheid/ social segregation".


They state, "We are for religious freedom", yet their phobia unleashes hatred, discrimination and violation of a Cannabist's religious rites, rituals, beliefs and practices.


They state, "We are for Medical choice and freedom", yet they will send Crusaders (and we don't use the term lightly) into a medical sufferer's home, carrying guns, other weapons and an apartheid writ that states, "Your freedom is denied. Your choice is denied. You will now be hunted down in your own home. If you choose to run you will be hunted down as a criminal".


They state, "We are against genocide, we abhor genocide", yet they advocate the murder/ genocide of the genus Cannabidaceae, also known as the race cannabis. They advocate the genocide of Cannabis culture. They advocate the genocide of medicinal, recreational and spiritual Cannabis rituals and practices. The FEAR compels them to genocide. Their OBSESSION compels them to genocide. And, one part of this obsession is their obsession to be 'Masters' over anything they can, and anything they can't they eradicate/ genocide/ murder/ ethnically cleanse etc.


One thing that phobic eradicators love to state is that what they are phobic against is 'evil'. They love trying to convince all those around them that 'it' is evil. They try to connect it with as many abusive things as possible, to so-called 'expose it's evil"!


A statement from the Former P.M. John Howard, when talking about all drugs (lumping Cannabis and the non-toxic drug THC in with highly toxic, dangerous chemical drugs) stated in Nov. 2007, "All drugs are evil! .....they are evil. All of them! And there should be an uncompromising social condemnation of drugs".


- Considering that Mr. Howard (now P.M. Julia Gillard) presided over one of the biggest drug cartel collectives in Australia (the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme);

- considering that Mr. Howard and his Political Party received drug money donations from some of the biggest recreational and medicinal drug cartels in Australia;

- considering that Mr. Howard regularly enjoys a glass of the psychoactive drug ethane hydroxide, as well as caffeine and being an ex-nicotine drug taker,

.....for him to state this...under any definition one would have to believe that Mr. Howard suffers from some form of phobic, anxiety, bi-polar mental disorder - and he's not the only one.


Simply put, for a Government to deny anything that is statistically safer than what they are advocating/ pushing, amounts to not only slavery, but under the true definition it is also an act of TERRORISM...as the true definition of terrorism is, "to put someone in perpetual fear and dread for their lifeand/or quality of life.


Medical Cannabists have a well grounded logical fear of nasty side effects, (including death), associated with proven toxic drugs that our Government and their Drug Lords/ Drug collectives (ie TGA)/ and other Vested interests want us to take. It appears Govvy wants to serve up arsenic in water as a second-hand, sub-standard form of milk while denying milk. We all saw the consequences of what happened when someone decided (in the name of money) to put a highly toxic form of plastic (melamine) into baby formula!


Which brings us back to the very real fear of a Government's fear of loss of revenue, control, domination, mastery and supremacy. What other reason is there for a Government to deny something proven to be statistically safer, in favour of things/ drugs proven to be statistically deadly on a regular basis.


This fear allowed a Government and collection of Governments to throw out the most important thing to do with drugs, and pretty much every other subject matter on this earth, and that is the Criteria of Harm involved. The Criteria of Harm is all about efficacy and safety. Mortality; Morbidity; Toxicity; Addictiveness and relationship with Crime.

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Which brings us back to the very real fear of a Government's fear of loss of revenue, control, domination, mastery and supremacy. What other reason is there for a Government to deny something proven to be statistically safer, in favour of things/ drugs proven to be statistically deadly on a regular basis.
i see the light of dat

but ther is so much more to he story

tis well known

the biggest budget pon the planet is the military

next biggest is the illegal market


drug dealers and cartels lobby the gov with the biggest budgets

they dont have their money buried in the back yard

they invest it in businesses that profit in this time from prohibition


they have the bucks to keep feeding the gov and the people a strict dieate of fear burgers


the solution is to legalize all drugs

LEAP is well established and gaining momentum towards that goal globally

so far

6 countries have legalized all drugs for personal use

2012 is not far away

it seams like the enlightenment of the plant could be eminent

gotta love dat



the collateral damage from the drug war dwarfs all the other wars the planet has seen

saint peter tosh said

there will never be peace with out justice

now hear dis

as long as there is red blood pumping thru i vains

i will seek justice for all we fallen brethren and sistren

free cannabis

free people

free land

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