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I need some help......


Ive been reading about teas with guano, kelp, earthworm castings & molasses.

I found a recipe that looks like this - does this sound good?



2 TBSP Peruvian Seabird Guano – 10 – 10 - 2

2 TBSP Mexican Bat Guano - 10 – 2 - 1 or (blood meal 13-0-0??)

2 TBSP Kelp Extract - 0 - 0 - 2

2 TBSP Earthworm Castings - 1 - 0.5- 0.5

2 TBSP Blackstrap Molasses - 2 - 0 – 10

TOTAL NPK - 23 - 12.5 - 15.5


For a flowering mix, the Mexican Bat Guano (high N) would be replaced with Indonesian Bat Guano (high P)


I have a airpump to aerate a 4 litre bucket.

How bad is blood meal going to smell in a tea? Its alot cheaper than a high N guano........


For diluting the tea, I think Ill get just a cheap EC meter.


Any advice is welcome! ^_^

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it will stink whether you use guano or b+b... make sure your air stone is sitting on the bottom of the container (not floating or it will develop a sludge layer on the bottom... it needs to be mixed and used fresh... they don't store


And try and at least, use a dust mask when handling guano, b+b or other dust producing garden products. Remember you are playing in shit and blood products.

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