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9 Year Old Using Cannabis Medication



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I agree snooch it defiantly isn't an easy one. More a topic intermingled with landmines lol


In the case of that article, I get the idea it was the school that 'forced' the medication not the parents.


Personally I think there is a very distinct difference between the rights of a school and the rights of a parent to medicate a child.


On the face of it, this case looks like the claimant has a fair case to me.



Peace MongyMan

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I agree Mongy it is very complex. As for the school demanding medication, they have no right. If the child needs specific assistance within the education system then the govt should provide it, not medicate for it

Risperidone, at its recommended dosage, may have benefits in some cases but not all, just like pot, and providing an overdose of a medication should be considered medical malpractise and is clearly used to 'dope' the child up to make their behavior managable. There is no way I can advocate that this be appropriate.

In my previous post I did say I advocate the use of pot as a part of a medication plan, if it assists. I do not agree with doping a child to the point of stoned. I believe that natural is much better than chemical, now Risperidone has a systematic name of 4-[2-[4-(6-fluorobenzo[d]isoxazol-3-yl)-1-piperidyl]ethyl]-3-methyl-2,6-diazabicyclo[4.4.0]deca-1,3-dien-5-one, does that sound natural???


Just some ideas


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I believe that natural is much better than chemical


I can't say I know a hell a lot about autism, or how one deals with a child with autism. But I would have thought from an educational standpoint, perhaps more needs to be invested in teaching the teachers, rather than the easier and probably cheaper way - medicating (and, it seems, over-medicating).


There's just something about prescribing a child drugs like Prozac or similar SSRIs that doesn't sit well with me. Maybe it's just because of my own personal experience with those drugs, don't know. But I ultimately can't object to the drugs if they work for the individual provided, as you say, they aren't just being used as a control mechanism when other teaching techniques could possibly work.


But I also agree with what you're saying - people should have the right to choose a natural remedy as part of their medication plan. That just seems logical to me. It's just wrong that it's being denied as an option.

Edited by snooch
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Another mother with similar success. There's quite a few different vids of this mother, and in each one she has to go to lengths to say that she doesn't use herself and has never used. Sad really, as given I'm sure the stresses she has in her day-to-day life, she probably more than most could benefit from the medicine. Mind you, it'd be hard not to sneak a brownie every now and then lol


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When will there be light at the end of the tunnel?........I have recently watched a good friend go through the wringa (qld) for growing a cpl plants. Nothing new so far right, this bloke used to give away a fair amount to anyone who used it for medicinal purposes. I have a relative with a boy who is autistic and would love to see cannabis trialed seriously for the disorder. I see stress in the parents eyes daily, they are good ppl but autism has worn them down. Come on aus government, wake the fuck up!
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