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9 Year Old Using Cannabis Medication



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Great articles.

Some more living proof as to what GOOD this plant can do for people no matter age.


If you are careful and measure your doses as closely as possible, you can have the desired

effects without getting "ripped" all the time, which I think would be a negative for young kids.


I can only imagine the crap people who choose to medicate their kids with cannabis must get from

the nay sayers and those with vested interests in pharma meds.

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As a parent, with a child that has various medical conditions. I can relate to this women. As she stated, there's quite a few pharmaceutical drugs that parents are dubious about. Some even down right dangerous, that kids shouldn't be prescribed.


But with that said, the thing that shits me the most. Is how cannabis isn't fully studied while running adult trials and developing strains that could possibly be grown to work best for certain ailments (trying to get the balance of certain cannabaloids right to suit the condition). As it is at the moment (thanks to prohibition), most of this (if at all) would be done by shonks that probably aren't having any proper data to back up their claims. So to me, it's a disappointment that here we are, in this day 'n age. There's been no headway with the development of Medical Cannabis. Thanks to the Reefer Madness loonies.


Admittedly, there's studies being carried out under labratory conditions by various pharmaceutical companies. But I seriously doubt how they're going about it and avenue that they are heading in. As it appears they're steering away from the organic product, while trying to reproduce a synthetic substitute. Not the way to go IMO.


Cannabis is never going to be a cure all, if people seriously believe that, they're kidding themselves as well as others they spruik to. But if prohibition was lifted world-wide. I do believe we could find out for sure what it might be useful for and what not. But until that happens. It'll remain underground with dodgy info/results.


Now I've got that off my chest. I dunno if I can back this woman's approach 100%. What she is doing short term is no doubt going to do less harm than what a lot of pharmaceutical drugs are going to do, and she has my vote on a temporary trial. But it's the great unknown to what might possibly be done to her son (long term), during the development years of his life. Example, cardiovascular system, nervous system 'n brain development. I've only formed this opinion because of the great unknown as I mentioned in my second paragraph. If we knew more, she would probably get my full blessing for what she is doing. But as we stand today (info-wise), the jury is still out for me.

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Hi Fellas


Brilliant article


I have 'hands on' experience with this.


Number 1, I use pot for a medical purposes to manage pain, not kill the pain but manage it. I was told to use codiene to manage pain, which does assist, in the management, in conjuction with pot. But straight codiene based just constipated me, like shitting a concrete bessa block at times and the quantity was putting me on cloud 9. I was becoming addicted to the pain killers, needing to take more and more to manage. Not good.

In the end, I told the medicos to allow me to manage my pain, my way. They did not like this and although it was not said I got the idea ".....we are dr's, we know your body better than you do." I challenged their university education repeatedly and now they all know me as a shit stirrer. I don't conform. I have the view that if someone's in control of me, it's me, not some Dr or health professional. They give me information and I research it, learn it, then when I return to the Dr, I throw it back at them. Asking informed questions, many of which I'm not even supposed to know about let alone query. Neurosurgeons are the worst


Number 2, I work with people with disabilities. I work with one man a stroke victim, who can not put together a coherent sentence and gets extremely frustrated that he can't communicate, to the point of physically, violently punching himself in the face, not a tap but a punch, trying to get the words out. This is very stressful to watch, so how bloody stressful is it for him. He is not a dumb man and he knows what he wants to say, but can't. One cone, just one and he can talk, the message from the brain reaches its destination and you can have a conversation with the man.

Another person with a mental health issue very panicy all the time. Everything is a big issue from walking out the front door, Will I, Won't I, to dealing with companies and businesses, something we all take for granted, shopping etc. A joint before she starts her day and nothing is too big of a concern and she can clearly get through the day. Daily I see the impact of perscription medication, with some pretty severe side effects on people and their lives. One client is under a court order to take their medication, has blood tests weekly to see that they are complying with the order, but this medication gives them savage tremors. Without medication and admittedly on a 'good day' you could walk past them without noticing. On the meds they walk 'shakey' their speech is 'shakey'. It is obvious, on meds, that he has a problem. Due to this he is ostrasised. People cross the road to avoid him, treat him like a leppar. I was with him at a post office one day and the woman behind the counter raised her voice saying "CAN.. YOU ..UNDERSTAND.. ME" I told her to pull her head in "he has a disability he's not F%$Kn deaf" But when he can find smoke things settle for him. I am not saying 'all is perfect', not at all. But some clarity/peace is better than none.


I want to say that this is not a 'one fix problem'. Pot doesn't work for everybody it won't cure all ills, but for those of us that it does it can be a wonder drug. Don't punish us for it, praise us. We could be costing the health services a shit load more.


I ain't no scientist or Dr. I don't sit in a lab or surgery. I work with people in their environment, their homes, their communities. I see the impact not just on clients, but their family's, their supports and the community as a whole. Banning the use of a substance that i know can help people is criminal in itself. I am a criminal for managing my pain. PISS OFF!!!


If this family (or anybody for that matter) are obtaining a benefit from using pot. DO SO.


The law is written by beaurocrats in an office. Tell them to get off their lazy fat arses and ask the people who do use for medical purposes. Get the information, then devise a plan that works, and not just for big multinational drug companies, but for the people. It ain't that hard.


It pisses me off bigtime. That I have to sneak around and hide to relieve my pain is wrong, but for others where it can and does change their whole life and lifestyle it being illegal, is inhuman and unjust. Almost a crime against humanity.


Just some ramblings

My views


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Number 1, I use pot for a medical purposes to manage pain, not kill the pain but manage it. I was told to use codiene to manage pain, which does assist, in the management, in conjuction with pot. But straight codiene based just constipated me, like shitting a concrete bessa block at times and the quantity was putting me on cloud 9. I was becoming addicted to the pain killers, needing to take more and more to manage. Not good.

In the end, I told the medicos to allow me to manage my pain, my way. They did not like this and although it was not said I got the idea ".....we are dr's, we know your body better than you do." I challenged their university education repeatedly and now they all know me as a shit stirrer. I don't conform. I have the view that if someone's in control of me, it's me, not some Dr or health professional. They give me information and I research it, learn it, then when I return to the Dr, I throw it back at them. Asking informed questions, many of which I'm not even supposed to know about let alone query. Neurosurgeons are the worst



I want to say that this is not a 'one fix problem'. Pot doesn't work for everybody it won't cure all ills, but for those of us that it does it can be a wonder drug. Don't punish us for it, praise us. We could be costing the health services a shit load more.


I ain't no scientist or Dr. I don't sit in a lab or surgery. I work with people in their environment, their homes, their communities. I see the impact not just on clients, but their family's, their supports and the community as a whole. Banning the use of a substance that i know can help people is criminal in itself. I am a criminal for managing my pain. PISS OFF!!!


If this family (or anybody for that matter) are obtaining a benefit from using pot. DO SO.


The law is written by beaurocrats in an office. Tell them to get off their lazy fat arses and ask the people who do use for medical purposes. Get the information, then devise a plan that works, and not just for big multinational drug companies, but for the people. It ain't that hard.


It pisses me off bigtime. That I have to sneak around and hide to relieve my pain is wrong, but for others where it can and does change their whole life and lifestyle it being illegal, is inhuman and unjust. Almost a crime against humanity.



All of that is like reading a mirror.


I have worked with people who have disabilities in the past, and can sort of relate there to.


I was very active before my health declined, so much that i did not realise how much it affected my mental

health not being able to be that active any more.

Cannabis helps me to be more active, it is part of my pain management strategy - along with the very occasional use of codeine and some Etho's - very occasional to help clear my mind of the drudgery that is dealing with this day in day out.

But yeah we have been systematically cut off by out masters from the plants that owe so much to.

I have to sneak and hide it, because of other peoples brainwashed beliefs.



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A SEVERELY autistic boy is suing the state government over claims he was abused and ''chemically restrained'' with medication by his ex-school.


The claim comes as disability advocates say autistic children are increasingly sedated with drugs in place of effective behavioural treatments.




Obviously it's really hard to judge but the story of the mother's success with cannabis for her autisitc child, when compared to these sort of stories, surely warrants some sort of further investigation or debate. It just seems to me that something isn't working here.

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