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We have a new Pm by the looks of it.

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All good ideas and i dont believe she cant make as big a balls up as Rudd did however i dont think you will see drug reform, MM or decriminalization of cannabis in any liberal or labor party statement of intent to the people. It would be political suicide for any of them to come out and talk or even suggest anything on the topic only months before an election is due to be held. All we can do is wait and see what happens once the election has been held and hope for the best.


And thou we dont always follow the yanks with every law and America may be closer to the fight with many states now adopting some kind of MM policy it is still in the eyes of the DEA as illegal and this is one issue that needs to be addressed, what is the point of giving out license to dispensaries only to have the DEA come in and shut it down?


If Australia is to adopt a MM or decriminalization law or bill passed it needs to be on a federal level or we will see the same farce that America has in MM states.

Perhaps Gillard is the one to do it, maybe not, but the push the American ppl have made for MM might just see the Australian government follow suit.


I think what is happening in California with the taxing of commercially grown crops to supply dispensaries is very interesting, once they come out and disclose how much tax is really being made from cannabis im sure more country's will follow suit and join the band wagon.


I do also believe that we are closer than ever before to some amendment for the better to our drug policy's thanks to the American MM states and a somewhat 420 freindly PM


sylar out

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Got this in the emailer yesterday.


*Learn How to Exercise your Vote *


***and** **Break the Corporate Controlled Democracy!***


*Voters should not under any circumstances give their 1st preference to the Corporate Controlled Major Parties, by doing so the Australian Electoral Commission also give them $2.31 for each House of Reps and the same for each Senate Vote.


*That means that if a Major Party receives 15,000,000 votes, that Major Party will received $34,650,000 dollars from the Australian Electoral Commission _ALL_ (Tax Payer's Money)


*To return the election process to "A Peoples' Democracy", **Voters need to vote for _“Independents and Minor Parties" ahead of the Major Parties.




*By putting the Corporate Controlled Major Parties LAST and SECOND LAST, the party that you put second last will still receive the preference distribution at the end of the vote count.


*However, it will give _“Independents and Minor Parties"_ more control in the senate if we can vote enough of them into parliament.


*Australian’s need _“Independents and Minor Parties"_ in Parliament, to keep these bastards from signing off on agreements and implementing unlawful laws that “_Australian’s”_ do not know about.


*People should not listen to the Corporate Media Co-Conspirators, who claim that a vote for “Minor Parties or Independents” is a wasted vote.* *If enough voters follow the above it would press the Major Parties to return to looking after the people of their electorate rather then their Corporate Masters.


*If you have never voted before or you know someone who doesn't understand “How Voting Works” then forward them this "How to Exercise You’re Vote to Make it Count” advice sheet"


*Then everyone should print of 50 flyers and walk up and down your street and deliver this to your neighbours.


*If we all work together we can achieve anything



*Together We Will Make a Difference!


These guys look like a good start (No I am not associated with them in any way.)




There are a couple of others around as well but they seem a bit unenlightened on their drug policies, regardless of which the will STILL get my vote ahead of the twin-headed snake we call the labour/liberal duopoly. :afro:

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"Then everyone should print of 50 flyers and walk up and down your street and deliver this to your neighbours..."

.... and we could waste a lot of bloody paper.


Putting major parties last in lower house seats will result in a shift of AEC funding, but doesn't change the shape of the parliament and it isn't a magic cure all for the two party cartel.


Have a look at Ian Marsh's first chapter, 'Australia’s political cartel? The major parties and the party system in an era of globalisation', in Political Parties in Transition for a more accurate discussion of what the voter can achieve with their vote.

Edited by lou lou
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Sure, but less money and power to the beast has to be a good thing right? Even if we only get a handful of small party/independents elected then that'll be more non-party drones that the government will have to negotiate with to continue their agenda. And lets face it, if that's ALL I can do to address the problem then I will do it.



Thanks for the book reference I'll chase it up. :afro:

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