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Hi there ctown,

I also do a bit of "pinching" but I give them 2 wks regrowth before turning, as for trimming I strip everything from underneath to bare stalk and keep the tops (Where the light is)I do this a week before turning. I hate cleaning the shit underneath and why put goodness into shitty little bud that may give an extra oz or 2, put the goodness into the tops.


NEVER EVER pinch or trim after turning. If you do everything turns to shit. DON"T DO IT


Just some advice


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Hey ctown,I would start training (supercropping)about 2-3 weeks into veg, give them a chance to get some foliage.

I use the Pinch/Bend method right through flower if needed in the canopy top, it is low stress, never had it turn a plant, as with anything, as long as you don't go nuts and stress them too much. I'm with PPG, I get these big Knuckles and whatever seems to grow after it is Nice. Maybe use your Supercropping while in Veg and for cola sites you don't want to chop, pinch and bend them, lay em flat and get more light to them, side on. best of grows to ya. gh72

Edited by Grasshopper72
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