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Was interested to read Sativex has finally got the green light in Britain. Not sure where I stand on this one. Way I'm seeing it, big pharma = big money; prohibition = big money. It's almost like they are legalising without having to legalise. Cake and eating it too kinda situation.


But then there's a part of me that thinks thank fk some people in Britain at least will be able to access some relief derived from the great plant, even if big pharma is involved.

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whatabout the best of both worlds

grow as much cannabis as you like

but you need a licence and regulation to sell it

same as tobacco or beer


as for GW

we can only wait and see

so far they havent put a foot wrong

Does this mean that GW produces and Bayer distributes?
yes i believe so

that means that they can deliver sativex to suffers in need, on a very large scale

and they will need just that

because cannabis is such a powerful healer it wont take long to reach the pre-prohibition statues of 85% of all prescriptions written, containing cannabis


sativex is scheduled as S8 by the TGA

and has been so since half way thru last year

the TGA has no restriction pon what doctors can prescribe it for

S8 is the highest restriction

that means the doctor must apply to the relevant gov department to get approval


but it is possible

as far as i know

MS is the only one that is currently being perscribed satvex so far.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

(it also means that cannabis is now officially recognised as having a medicinal use

so in court medicinal use can no longer be not recognised or accepted by the judge)

but ,,,

as i said before there is no TGA restriction pon what doctors can prescribe satvex for....


if your doctor is convinced that cannabis can help you with whatever sufferance you have


your doctor can apply to the health authorities and get it approved for your condition

their blub says

vaporised organic hash oil

if its true

i can only love dat



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Sativex green light in Canada, for MS..




Canada approves GW Pharma’s cannabis-based drug

GW Pharma's cannabis-derived multiple sclerosis (MS) drug has won approval in its third major market.

By Rachel Cooper

Published: 5:36PM BST 31 Aug 2010


Sativex, which is used to relieve muscle stiffness in MS patients, has been given the green light by health authorities in Canada several months earlier than expected.

The country had approved Sativex for use in neuropathic pain in 2005 – which marked the first time a cannabis-derived medicine won regulatory clearance – but authorities have now approved the drug for use in MS too.

Getting the go-ahead in the UK marked a major step forward for Aim-listed GW, which had spent more than a decade developing the drug.

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their blub says

vaporised organic hash oil

if its true

i can only love dat

pull up

i just saw a Sativex lable

i hafe correct i self

vaporised hash oil that is simply not so

its really hash oil in alcohol


what??????they are actually selling is ----> cannabis tincture <----

Sativex is cannabis tincture administered with a spray applicator


irey guidance

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