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Single pac nutrients

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Just wondering what the score is with single pak nutes? it seems all the major nute company have them but are they any good? or are they a wast of time, money and grow? I know most normal nutes are put in 2 packs to stop the compounds precipitating into salts if the 2 were put into one bottle, but some how they have worked a way around this it seems?

Would like to hear your experiences with them if any or your thoughts on them.

Syler420 out

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^_^ i was making a joke about singles pac for when you are too baked to mix. I think its obvious you have no businesses in a grow room when you are baked its how accidents and crop failure happen.

All i wanted to know is if single pacs are any good? Dutchmaster and Green dream both have them and both claim to be far superior but just dont know what to believe. so again i ask are they any good? are they better than multi pacs? do they do the same job? or are they just a crock to get you to shell out $$$ ?

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Some of my best work comes from drunken nights i cant remember ^_^ usually a snapped branch or to but usually get a shit load done heheheheh.


As for ya nutes havent had experience with em but as neither have u i suggest stick with whats been proven go ya 2 part nutes for ya first run. After ya get ya growin down pat than its time to experiment not before as ya put out all this cash to start up,failure put ya back months and cost ya more money.

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