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Fan is too Loud 150mm Inline

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Hi guys i need some advice on how to make my fan quieter. I have a 150mm Axial Spectrum fan, surrounded by 200mm x 3m of Insulated Ducting, The fan can still be heard from the road. What is the next step to reduce the noise?


I would like to get out of this as cheaply as possible, the options i have thought of are;


  • Wrapping 250mm insulated ducting around the 200
  • 150mm Odor Sok (would it be able to pull air through this?)
  • Some sort of silencer box (made of Styrofoam) or other material to be advised?
  • An extra x m of ducting
  • Fan controller


Thanks guys, your help would be appreciated.

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Thats very surprising man, i run 150mm and 250mm centrifugals and 2 150mm in lines and can barley hear em from the next room when attached to a filter.


Seen a square box made of chipboard stuffed with pillow cases quiet 1 down, Inline fans are not strong enough to to pull though a filter or sock. Expect noise to increase 200% with a centifugal over a inline fan.


Part from that move ya room away from the rd is only other option


good luck

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Try wrapping the ducting in something like old blankets or doona's, see if this deadens the noise a bit, insulated ducting is expensive. I just had a 200mm Inline that could not pull through a 200mm Odor Sok properly, I would get a better Centrifugal 150mm fan and use this and a 150mm diameter Odor Sok, should work a treat, check out my grow diary to see how to make a cheap suspension mounting if you need one. I just went through the same thing you are now with an inline and took it back and got a better Centrifugal one, costs more but you'll never look back. Laters. GH72
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if its the sound of the fan making a ruckus i dont think there is a lot u can do, if its the sound of the air coming through the ducting then i have seen silencers on sale at grow shops, i was gona give it a go to build my own from a wooden box 400x400x400 and line the inside with pink batts duno how it will go but worth a shot.
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Hi spartan - 150mm Axial Spectrum fan eh - rap it tuck in a box are fair enough suggestions.

Nitty only adds that it is in the overall design when most fans make noise. After some days and months of research (web based) I found out something simple ........"air flow creates noise due to 'friction' - turbulance." A design that has no elbows, no joins, no adapter or reducers (ie 150mm to 100mm. 300 to150mm) and sucked through vertically through a c/f, sok, ect and then importantly duped outside the room is optimal quiet when using 'Acoustic ducting'.


Dealing with air is like dealing with water - the same rules apply most , if not all the time.


I'm not a sok fan and never even seen one ! That fan should do the job tho :D


grow well sparten



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Thanks for all of the suggestions guys!!


I am only spit balling here because i already have the acoustic ducting but doesn't the design itself of ducting contribute to making a lot of turbulence within the air? PVC pipe would seem better as there are no ridges like there is with ducting.


I think I am going to give the Odor Sok a go with the 150mm Axial. and hope the extra strain wont kill the fan, I have read some good reports that the axial will pull through the odorsok. we shall see...

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really man if ya havent got ya fan yet get a centrifugal, I HAVE tried it and it does not work and u will have to upgrade in a few weeks. But if ya wana have a crack good luck :D


+1 to getting a centrifugal and proper carbon filter.


I think the ideal and best/ quietest solution is;

- Centrifugal fan 'Poly Centrifugal Fan'

- Carbon filter (Inlet to fan) 'phat filter'

- Silencer (exhaust from fan) 'flex kit'

Checkout exceldistributors



With a silencer on the exhaust of your centrifugal fan, the only real noise is the filter sucking air in.

A good carbon filter will block out a LOT of noise, and they should last 1 - 4 years!


Anyway if you cant afford to upgrade, id be trying to relocate the fan using more insulated ducting (like try to run it through another cupboard or something), or just move the whole setup and/ or insulate your main wall (floor to ceiling) with cardboard boxes full of stuff....

Edited by Amos
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