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Australian Native Soil Nutrient Content?!

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Guest Field_of_Light

Are you talking about bagged soil or as in soil thats outside your back door?


Depending on the part of the country you live in will dictate your soil type...what sort of soil do you have? clay based? rich black soil?

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As FOL said, it depends where u are. But typical Australian soil is marginal at best. All the best soil is under cultivation, legal that is. Anywhere that ya likely to find that has avoided the plough this long is likely to be typical Aussie "snuff". It's devoid of Phosphorous, and buds Need that. It's also short on everything else. In fact, people that grow native Aus. trees in their yards often cause them distress by fertalising them, because they're just so adjusted to living in shitty soil.


Of course, there's the red soil districts of kigaroy where u can get 9 feet deep red top soil, that will grow anything no questions asked, and great black soil flats that are just as good at least. But really, if you're going to do a geurilla garden, it'll probably be soil so bad, you'll need a wrecking bar to dig the holes, no joke.


Best bet is to line the holes with plastic, and back fill with decent soil, or 20/0/20/ corn fertaliser mixed in with the grey soil. Mix in some water crystals too. Cover the hole around the plant with some hesian or a disposable nappy or something, and cover over again with soil.


Mind you, I'm assuming you want to grow directly outside.




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