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SHEEPinWOLFskin, you do realize that Islam is a far more peaceful religon than christianity. Clearly you need to open your eyes then read the bible again. It's a very violent and hateful book.


On top of that christianity and islam are actually different interpretations of the same Jewish religion.


You really have shown the clear ignorance and lack of understanding you have about religions in general with that racist comment!

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 Ill been studying for 15yrs and if you didn't notice I'm not a Christian and I don't belong to any church, I'm just a holy man of YHWH sitting on a hill living a righteous life.


Sorry, that narrow minded judgemental attitude of ours, does strike me as christian. Also how can you be living a righteous life when you hate people that you don't understand. It defeats the whole purpose of a righteous life.


You wouldn't survive in a nation of Islam as an Atheist so I'm not sure why ya like em?


Again, you show your ignorance so blantantly! Never been to the middle east. But have watched plenty of docomentaries and current affair shows of afghanis who make it quite clear that they don't believe in any god. I also know there are plenty of people in Iraq that are Christian and plenty that don't believe in god either. Then you've got countries like turkey and eygpt, both have plenty of atheist.


I don't personally like anyone. I just respect the Islamic stance on drugs far more than I respect the Christian stance. At the end of the day both are full of shit. 


Never said I was an atheist either. I just have more intelligence than to be told what to do by a two thousand year old book, which was written soley for political motives.


BTW, I came from a religious family (Christian, since it clearly makes a difference to you SiWs) and actually believed there delusional crap till my early 20's. Just for the record.



Bible isn't anti Cannabis.


No the bible isn't. But the bibles just a book! The 'church' is most certainly anti-cannabis.


peace and wisdom


Lose the hate against people that are different to yourself, then right back at ya.

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Sorry, that narrow minded judgemental attitude of ours, does strike me as christian. Also how can you be living a righteous life when you hate people that you don't understand. It defeats the whole purpose of a righteous life.


?? I haven't said anything hateful, I don't hate anyone why are you putting these words in my mouth?? quick take some exo-Cannadinoids asap


All the hate seems to be coming from you, I made a choice to walk in Torah with faith in Yahushua how does that effect you? the Church would have burnt me at the stake not too long ago.



No the bible isn't. But the bibles just a book! The 'church' is most certainly anti-cannabis.
I don't care about the church >:( and I was just pointing out that the bible isn't anti Cannabis for those had have no idea of that because of the church' BS. the BIBLE isn't ANTI Cannabis and the Church claims the follow it. Not too hard to work out who the Church really works for ie not God(YHWH)


Lose the hate against people that are different to yourself, then right back at ya.


You're the only one hating here ;)


Wisdom upon you.

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No hate here brother. Trust me, I'm not a subtle person. If I was angry or spreading hate you'd know.


Also, I never said anything about what religion you choose to follow. You can walk with who ever you want, I'm honestly happy for ya.


I'm merely questioning your belief that islam is somehow a less credible religion. Then putting it to you that, imo, you can't be an enlightend person with such misguided beliefs.


But having said that, your probably a lot closer to becoming enlightend than me. It's not like I really have any real idea how to get there. It's anyones guess I suppose.



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I feel the same way for all of ya, up to you what you say and how you live your life but does Islam feel the same way?

Crucial Step Towards Sharia Law? UN Anti Blasphemy Resolution YT clip

you ok with Sharia law? are burka' sexy? and is no booze ok? be headings and de handings? I don't blame Islam for 9/11 and the war on terror but that doesn't mean Islam is ok.



From a spiritual pov the Koran is claimed to be based on Torah yet Islam doesn't follow Torah just like the Christians who also claim they are based on Torah yet they are lawless too same with the Jews. The Bible says any who claim to love the Elohim/God of Abraham, Issac and Israel and don't follow Torah are liars! "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" - Isaiah 8:20


Fyi I don't have a TV either just my monitor >:( TV = poo for the brain imho.


back on topic: The Bible is Pro Cannabis ;)

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jabez man, islam is in no way whatsoever more peaceful than christianity, it depends on whether you're talking about a certain denomination of islam but the one i am thinking of is definitely not peaceful compared to christianity.


back on topic, im catholic, and the church is so anti drugs mainly with cannabis. im always asking my oldies if the church congregation are out of their minds to think that a plant (from god) can be bad.

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I was just pointing out that the bible isn't anti Cannabis for those had have no idea of that because of the church' BS.


This is kind of what I meant with my original question. What I'm curious to know is are people who are attached to religious institutions influenced, when it comes to drugs and drug use, not by the faith itself but by the "church BS"? I certainly suspect the latter, and if that's the case how do we break away from that? I suspect through knowledge. And how does someone attached to a religious institution determine what to believe and what not to? If they turn up to church on Sunday and hear in a sermon that "drugs are evil" they are more often than not going to be positively influence by that, rather than the faith itself imo.


I really didn't want this to degenerate into an islam v christianity; atheism v believer type debate. That fact is, worldwide, there is a very high percentage of people who do follow one faith or another. What I'm trying to determine is, given that fact and given the fact there are probably a lot of people out there who believe the lies and propoganda fed to them by their church leaders (who have vested interests in prohibition) when it comes to drugs and drug use, how is it going to be possible to convince people (if that's the goal) what the truth is, when it comes to prohibition particularly?

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