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Silica dilemma

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Hey everyone


When it comes to using silica, my usage is sporadic at best, and I am always changing

the way I do things, so I can't be sure if silica actually does anything. Then recently a LHS told me

it was a total waste of money and time and all it did was dissipate the nutes so it was a double waste

of time and money, so I put it back on the shelf and went home without it.


I have just finished a run, and to be honest, although covered in glitter, the mid to lower buds are not

very tightly knit. I can't say for sure if it was the absence of silica or not.


Do any of you guys have silica experience, or know what the advantages of using it are?


I am wondering why the shop told me not to use it when they could have made a sale on it.


Thanks to all


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Silica is useful in salinity tolerance and structural strength. It's laid down in cell walls in the same place as calcium and enhances the stuctural stability of these walls.


If you don't add it correctly yes, it can cause nutrient problems as it's a highly alkaline nutrient and without ph adjustment or dilution it can cause precipitation of nutrients. Make sure you dilute the dose before adding to the tank, (1l water jug is usually fine) and adjust the pH of the solution quickly after adding. Depending on how concentrated the solution is, it can also be a better idea to add this to the tank first before other nutrients and additives.


Check out the Flairform website for some detailed info on Silica benefits and usage.

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lmfao, good post which reminds me!... i've completely forgotten to add any silica to my mix this grow with no noticeable difference in growth rates, density or trichomes (forgetful stoner :thumbsup: ) ... well, actually it seems slightly more dense this time if anything.


I better move it up off the bottom shelf :scratchin:


Does put the idea in my head though... and strangely enough a mate said to me when showed the soluble silica "looks like water to me... how do you know it isn't water?" ... i didn't really have an answer for him.


ie; Is this product worth parting $ with or do the benefits outweigh the cost?


....Well, i don't really know, but it's certainly not essential IMO as i have observed no noticeable benefits in my admittedly limited experience.


:bongon: :applause:

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