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The most optimum PH

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I haven't used a PH meter for years, and think PH is way over rated. I use tap water and it's probably around 7.

I have seen so many people on here asking why their plants are dying or suffering and notice that a lot of the time they have been adjusting the PH .... acid is used to lower PH and its bloody easy to stuff it up.


I will put buds grown without bothering about PH levels up against buds grown within those recommended zones and their will be no difference.


If you are growing Hydro PH level is important and can not be overlooked!


Out of the tap my water has a PH of approx 8.


If i were to feed my plants with water that has a PH of 8 it would lockout Potassium, Phosphorus which would royally fuck the plants.


If you are growing with soil it would be a different story feeding your plants with a PH of 7-8


Check out the chart on this forum ...


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Hey DS =)Ditto Wedge, PH is real inportant. Sometimes if you are using Nutes that self correct PH, then your lucky, you may not need to adjust, this is maybe wot Cyclops is talking about because otherwise thats a pretty bold statement, especially seen as plant uptake of nutes is affected outside it's optimal range of PH (plant dependant) . My tap water here is also ph8 and sometimes a lil higher, if my Nutes didn't self adjust, there is no way in hell I would have good buds, they'd be very sick.

For Coco, my Ph is never outside 5.8-6.0 except in the last few weeks of flower when I raise the Ph a lil to help in the uptake of P&K. Peace. Gh72

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Great topic fellas 5 stars.


I thought anything from 6-6.5 was optimum for perlite but have been noticing lockouts of late with potassium. Seems I have been running it a little too high going by that chart.

Cheers for that Rev.


Ofcourse ph is important.


:thumbsup: RR


Exact symtoms shown in pic D post-12771-038602000 1284522386_thumb.jpg

Edited by RiverRat
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